Chapter 37: We Made It, Didn't We Koda?

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*18 years later*

                         The small town of Thorne Bush, Arkansas

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The small town of Thorne Bush, Arkansas. The town that has become famous for it's beautiful rose bushes. The early morning October air is cool. On the Northside of the town, the sunlight just barely hits the trees. On Cherry Drive, the yellow house on the right is the only house that's light is on in the entire neighborhood.
Halle (pronunciation: Hal-Lee) Allen, a 17-year-old whose never been a child once in her entire life, cracks her blue eyes open. She looks over at the clock beside her bed. It's 6 a.m. She lays her head back down, closing her eyes.
"Just 10 more minutes." Halle says in a low tone, smiling.
Suddenly, her bedroom door opens. Halle just barely lifts her head up to see a shadow walking to the side of her bed. She can tell by the baby bump that it's her mom.
"Mom?" Halle says in a sleepy voice.
The bedside lamp turns on, blinding Halle for a few seconds.
"Ouch!" She exclaims, hearing her Mom chuckle.
"Junebug, you need to get up. Dad's eating breakfast." Halle's mom brushes her hair out of her face. "I'll wake Breanna."
"No, I'll get her." Halle grumbles as her mom walks out of her bedroom.
"Okay, junebug."
Halle gets up and grabs her trumpet case in her bedroom. She takes it out of it's case and makes her way down the hall to her little sisters room.

                     Halle carelessly swings the door open and marches into her 11 year old sisters room

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Halle carelessly swings the door open and marches into her 11 year old sisters room. She sees that Breanna, her younger sister, is sprawled out on her twin bed. Mouth wide open with drool on her pillow. Halle smiles wickedly as she puts the trumpet to her lips. She plays the wake up song they have at kids summer camp, making sure to give her all. Breanna immediately wakes up and falls off her bed with a scream. Halle stops and laughs at her, walking out of the room.
Breanna trials after her, red faced. "Halle Elizabeth!"
Halle slams the door behind her, rolling her eyes at her younger sister. She puts the trumpet back in its case before putting it on the bed. Theres a soft pounding on the door.
"Halle!" Breanna screams angrily, knocking twice more.
Halle ignores her little sister and gets dressed. She grabs a black long sleeved top with a paisley red, olive green, and creamy white skirt. She throws it on the bed. Quickly, she strips down from her fuzzy polka dotted pajamas and fuzzy socks at have fox patterns on the sides. Breanne burst into her older sisters room, her hands into tight fist. She looks into Halle closet to see that her sister is in her underwear.
"Breanna Nicole, get out of my room!" Halle exclaims.
Breanna gives her older sister an annoyed look, narrowing her eyes.
"Well, I knocked."
Halle walks out of her bedroom and into her personal bathroom in her underwear. She takes out her makeup bag. Breanna closes Halle's bedroom door and walks back to Halle's bathroom door. She stares at her older sister, who is quickly applying foundation.
"Why are you doing your makeup naked, Hal?" Breanna says confused.
"So I won't get any on my clothes." Halle says as she lightly applies mascara, her mouth in the shape of an O.
Breanna takes a peak in the mirror, seeing her thin face and brown eyes. She looks lot like her mother. A lot. Breanna makes the same face as her older sister. Halle sees this and shoves her sister out of the bathroom. Breanna falls back onto her bottom, glaring up at her big sister.
"Go get dressed so we won't take up much of dad's time." Halle does the finishing touches on her makeup. "He has to be at work by 7."
Breanna rolls her eyes and walks out of the bedroom. She marches down to her room. She sees her mother, Dakota, step out of her an she dad's bedroom. Excited, Breanna runs up and hugs her mother tightly, kissing her mother's very pregnant belly.
(Gif of Dakota 18 years later)

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