Chapter 28: Fist Fight

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            Melody and Dakota walk through the halls of Thorne Bush South High on their way to lunch

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Melody and Dakota walk through the halls of Thorne Bush South High on their way to lunch. Dakota told her about the Preacher and Katie. Then she told her about the miscarriage. Melody as shocked, but not as shocked as Dakota when she told her the big news.
"Dev and I are a thing." Melody cringes as Dakota gives her a look.
"And you didn't care to call and tell me about this?" Dakota says loudly.
"Well, this was kind of sudden." Melody shrugs, "We met up at the movies Friday because Dev's mom thought he was gay. So I just went out with him and we ended up kissing during a sex scene and then we hooked up in the backseat of my car for an hour."
Dakota's mouth flies open. "No shit? A home run for the Dev-Machine!"
Melody shakes her head, smiling. "It's funny, I never thought I'd lose my virginity to Devin Mason."
"Well, I'm glad he's being taken care of." Dakota says with a smile.
"And, you know, for a scrawny guy, he's  sure knows how to fill the hole." Melody giggles, covering her mouth.
"Ew, TMI! Wow, can't get that image out of my head now." Dakota rubs her temple, "At least now I can sleep soundly knowing Dev is gettin some."
Suddenly, loud shouts come from the cafeteria. Dakota and Melody rush inside to see what all the commotion was. When they get inside, Devin is literally in a trash can. Wiley is dumping food all over Devin and over half of the lunch room is chanting him on. Both girls stand there in horror.
With fire in her veins, Dakota quickly marches up to Wiley and throws back her fist. With one punch, Wiley falls to the ground bleeding. Melody helps Devin out of the trash can, food falling from his clothes to the floor. The boy is crying. Wiley gets up and gets ready to fight, Dakota does the same. Wiley is the first to swing, but Dakota jab and crosses Wiley in the face twice. Blood spurts out of Wiley's nose, making it harder for the bully to see. Dakota punches Wiley hard in the chest, kneeing him in the crotch. She screams as she makes each move.
          Mrs. Jean rushes in, seeing Wiley and Dakota throw fist at each other. Then she sees Devin with food all over him and the tears running down his face. The hero has struck again. She marches up to them and grabs them by the ears, pushing them apart. She marches them down to her office before calling Hank, Devin's Mom, and Wiley's dad.

          Hank walks into Thorne Bush South High, taking his shades off his face

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          Hank walks into Thorne Bush South High, taking his shades off his face. He still wears his Mike's Auto Shop uniform that is a bit greasy, his book boots dark with splotches of grease. After he got the call from the school, Hank began to worry about Dakota being held back a year.
            When Hank steps into the front office, the first thing he sees is Dakota's friend. The kid's clothes is covered in food stains and can be smelled from across the room. Mrs. Jean waits at her office door for Hank. When she sees him, she motions for him to follow her. Hank walks into the Principle's office to see Dakota already sitting in the chair. She has a bloody nose and a bruised eye. Immediately, Hank gets angry.
           "Dakota, who did that to you?" Hank says aggressively.
           "Please sit down, Mr. Allen." Mrs. Jean says, more commanding than asking.
          Hank sits down, looking to Dakota. "What happened?"
           "Miss Ryan intervened in a bullying situation between Mr. Jenkins and Mr, Mason outside." Mrs. Jean explains, "If we hadn't had camera footage for proof that Miss Ryan had protected a student, she would be expelled for the rest of the semester. That would have made her go another year, but since she had stopped a bully, I'm letting her off easy. She's suspended for two days."
"Two days? For stopping a bully? What type of school is this?" Hank says angrily, "Dakota did the right thing and—"
"Just let it be, Hank." Dakota says, her voice cracking. "It's just two days. I'm still graduating."
"We don't tolerate violent behavior at this school, but considering it was self defense, Miss Ryan will graduate." Mrs. Jean nods, "There won't be anymore fights from now on, are we clear."
"Crystal." Both Hank and Dakota say in unison.

Dakota hops into the truck, still silent. Hank slams his door angrily.
"This is one fucked up school, Koda." Hank growls, "You get suspended for two days for standing up to a bully? That's fucking ridiculous!"
"I don't wanna talk about it, okay?" Dakota says to him, "Like Principle Jean said, I got off easy."
Hank shakes his head, angry. "Well, I still think the school system is fucked as hell."
Hank drives out of the school parking lot.
"All I have left to say is that you're not in trouble, Koda. You didn't do shit. Do you hear me? None of this is your fault, baby." Hank assures her.
Dakota nods her head. "Okay."
"I'm taking you to Moana's, okay?" Hank says, "I don't want you home by yourself. I better not catch you over there when I get back from work."
"Why? I can take care of—" Dakota starts.
"Just do as I tell you. Alright, Dakota? No arguing." He raises his voice.
Dakota thinks for a moment. "Do you think I'll try and hurt myself again?"
Hank stays silent, giving her his answer.

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