You saved me

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Demi heart was beating hard in her chest, she didn't want to do this, She didn't ask to be here at all. She sat in the chair as some lady she never seen before did her make up making her like older than she actually was. Demi is only 19 years old, she was taken 7 months ago by some guy. He told her that he'd been watching her for a while, how he never seen a curvy 19 year old.

"I'm going to make loads of money with you"

Demi remembered when he first said that to her and her mind instantly went to sex trafficking. She felt so bad for the people that got caught up in it but she never expected to be one of those people.

" don't touch her hair, leave it down" hank said.

" You like your make up baby girl?" He asked Demi.

" yes Daddy" demi answered.

That was a name she was forced to call him by. Nothing less nothing more, every thing she said had to end with  "daddy"  he wasn't her father so why the fuck should she call daddy.

" good because I got the perfect little outfit for you so hurry up and put it on, customers should be arriving soon" hank said.

Demi got up from the chair walking out the room down the hallway to her little room. A dirty old mattress on the floor where she slept and often got raped at. That was all in her room, she wasn't allowed nothing else in her room.  Demi looked at the small outfit that laid on her bed. That was way to small for her  but she still had to squeeze in it. Her ass eating the little shorts she slipped on. Her ass cheeks hanging out, putting on on the small top as well.

"You look good baby girl. Turn around let me get a good look at you" hank said.

Slowly turning around she didn't let her eyes meet his. She looked down as she felt his sweaty hands over her body. He grabbed her ass giving it a firm grip.

" I think daddy should test you out first right?" He asked kissing on Demi's neck.

"Yes daddy" demi said as the tears began rolling down her cheeks.


"6k for me and my boys to have a go with her" the tall guy said holding a briefcase with money.

"Oh you got yourself a deal, after she's done dancing and she goes back to her room y'all can have her just don't cum inside her" hank said.

"Get an amazing experience tonight with a one on one session with baby girl!" Hank yelled as he walked around the guys that filled his basement.

"How much for some time with her?" The tall black guy asked.

Hank stopped and looked at the guy, he never seen him in before.

" I never seen you around here before. You new around here?" Hank asked.

"Y-yeah I am, I like this. I'm looking for a good time..... could she give me that?" He asked looking at the short girl that looked really uncomfortable.

" oh yeah! Baby girl never disappoint. what's your name?" Hank asked.

"Its dell" Odell said looking at the old guy.

Odell was undercover, he was put on this case a month ago when another team was unsuccessful finding the missing teen and he wasn't going to be like those guys, he took his job very seriously.


Demi tried to play sick when hank told her she had customers but he didn't fall for that. Seeing 5 men walk inside the room, demi ran towards the closet closing it from the inside but they just kicked it down dragging her out.

"Please don't!!" Demi screamed.

"Oh shut up" one of the guys said ripping off her shirt.

"HELP!!  PLEASE!!!!" Demi cried out as the guys sexually assaulted her.

Odell snuck upstairs checking the rooms for any other girls. He heard screaming from down the hall, picking up his pace he pulled his gun out before busting in the room.

"what the fuck man we're busy" one of the guys said from in between Demi's legs.

"Y'all got 2 seconds to get the fuck out before I put a bullet through all y'all heads" Odell said pointing his gun at them.

The guys got up fixing their pants before walking out the room. Leaving demi on the bed naked, hand prints over her body, and I busted lip.

"You're ok now, I promise" Odell said taking his jacket off giving it to Demi.

"H-He's going to come up here. He has a shot gun" demi said wrapping herself in the big jacket.

"DEMETRIA!!!!" Hank yelled.

Demi jumped up quickly hiding behind Odell gripping on Odell's arm.

" don't let him get me please" demi cried.

" I won't" Odell said.

Odell moved them in the closet, hiding just in case the man came in shooting.

"Hold this?" Odell said giving his gun to demi making sure it was on safety mode.

He watch the fat guy come into the room with his gun. Odell didn't want to kill the man, he wanted him to rot in jail just like the others that was caught. Odell came out the closet tackling the man to the ground.  To be a big guy hank was fast, he got up grabbing his gun that was knocked out of his hand. Odell held the gun making sure it wasn't pointed at him.

"You must be out of your mind if you think I'm letting you walk out of here with my slut" Hank said.

Demi watched as the man struggled with hank. Demi had never shot a gun before but she knew she had to help the guy out. Pointing the gun she pulled the trigger but nothing happened. Looking at the gun in her hand she came across a button, she clicked it before trying again. This time the sound of gun echoed the room but she didn't hit the right person.

"Oh my god" demi said when she seen that she shot odell in the arm.

"Fuck!" Odell groaned out in pain.

Demi dropped the gun and another bullet was let of the chamber this time it hit hank right in his back making him drop to the floor. Odell kicked the gun away from him as he held his arm.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" demi cried.

"It's fine" Odell said pulling out his phone calling back up.


"Can you tell us your name sweetie?" One of the nurses asked Demi.

"Demetria Lovato" she mumbled as she looked around the hospital room.

" your age?"

" I'm 19" she said.

Demi freaked out when a male nurse came into the room.

"It's ok sweetie he's just here to draw some blood from you" the lady said.

"No! Get away!!" Demi yelled as fresh tears started forming in her eyes.

"Calm down honey"

"Odell!  Odell!" Demi screamed as loud as she could hoping the officer would hear her.

Odell was getting his arm wrapped when he heard demi shouting his name. He instantly jumped up out of his bed going to find demi.

"Demi?" He called out.

Demi jumped out of the bed running out of the room running straight into Odell's arms.

"Don't leave me! Please" she cried as she held on tight.

"Not going anywhere, come on let's go back in there" Odell said leading her back to her room.

Odell sat on the bed with Demi, the young girl was clinging to him for dear life. Demi didn't trust any man now thanks to Hank, but she felt safe around Odell. He saved and she would forever be thankful for that.

"He's just going to draw some blood ok? It's ok, I won't let him hurt you" Odell mumbled to Demi.

"You're safe now"

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now