For love i shall lie

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"What about this one?" Odell asked his girlfriend.

"Oh I love that, you think we can find shirts like that?" Jennifer asked.

" yes, if not then ill get them made," Odell said.

"Alright. We need one of them baby tubs and a rocker" Jennifer said walking on the side of Odell.

Jennifer is a 17-year-old girl dating a 25-year-old man but Odell didn't know Jennifer's real age or name he thought the girl was 19. They met at a club where Jennifer used to work. Jennifer was living at a shelter down the street but things changed when she started talking to Odell and now she was pregnant.

" and what about a bottle warmer? You want that?" He asked.

" we can get that later, I'm breastfeeding him. They said it's good for the baby" she said.

"Good, I need my baby boy healthy"Odell said rubbing her stomach.

" he just kicked, he knows your voice. He alway goes crazy for you" Jennifer laughed.

"That's my boy, but come on and let's finish so I can get you home"


"Hey Odell I got something for you" Kari said as he walked inside Odell office.

"Yea what's up?

Kari gave Odell a paper of Jennifer's information. Odell looked at the paper getting mad as hell, everything was a lie.

"So you telling me I got some little girl pregnant!? Man, you know what this can do to me if anyone finds out!"

"Fuck man" Odell said standing up kicking his trash can.

" no one has to find out. Me and Rachel will be in the room with you guys, I deliver the baby and Rachel will help me while you're with her.but yeah you definitely got to stop talk to her man." Kari said.

" naw fuck that, I'm delivering my son.she doesn't need support," Odell said  mad at the younger girl for lying to her.

" she ain't got nobody dawg, don't be an ass," Kari said.

"Well how about you hold her Fucking hand then," Odell said before walking out his office.


Odell sat in his parking lot for a while just looking at the papers Kari gave to him. Her name wasn't Jennifer and she wasn't 19. He met her a year ago which would have made the girl 16, who the fuck let's a 16-year-old in the club. Odell got out his car before going inside the house.

" oh hey babe, I made dinner," Demi said when she heard Odell come through the door.

Odell ignored her walking toward her room changing out his scrubs. Not getting an answer Demi followed Odell towards the room.

"What's wrong?" Demi asked touching Odell's arm.

" don't touch me bruh" Odell said shrugging her hand off him.

" what did I do babe?" Demi asked confused.

" you lied to me! For a whole Fucking year"

" what are you talking about?" Demi asked.

" your name isn't Jennifer, you better start talking now! Odell said pushing her against the wall.

Demi held her stomach with one hand feeling her son move around. Demi was trying to figure out how he even found out.

"You don't hear me talking to you girl!" Odell yelled hitting the wall right next to Demi's head.

"It's Demetria Lovato" she cried out.

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now