I cant leave

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"Odell stop!" Demi screamed as her boyfriend was pulling her by one arm trying to get her inside the house.

Odell was getting my heated the more demi struggled against him.

"Man stop playing with me and get in this fucking house!" Odell voice boomed as he pushed demi inside.e

" I want to go home! Take me home" demi cried as she moved around the couch away from her boyfriend.

"Naw we gonna talk about how you tried my fucking face talking to that nigga" Odell said crossing over the face back in Demi's face.

" he's my friend Odell" demi tried to explained.

Odell grabbed demi by her neck throwing her on the couch.

" that nigga was all up on you and shit touching your belly! You forgot my baby was in there!!" Odell yelled mushing Demi's face.

Odell had forgot his mama was home so he didn't noticed her coming down the stairs. Beyoncé was sleep in her king size bed all cuddled up with her pillows, she rolled over facing towards the door when she heard something. Laying there she just listened to she if she heard it again. She sat up when she heard screaming and sobs, getting out her bed she slipped on her shoes before walking downstairs. Seeing Odell hovered over demi who was on the couch covering her face.

"Odell! What the hell are you doing!?" Beyoncé asked as she walked over.

"Nothing Mama, go back upstairs" Odell said.

" were you hitting on her Odell?" Beyoncé asked not wanting to believe that's what her son was doing.

Odell didn't answer his mom, he just ignored her question.  Beyoncé looked over at Demi again who was still covering her face. Beyoncé walked over to Demi sitting down next to her, she removed Demi's hands from her face now seeing the hand print around her neck, her face all red and wet from her tears.

"Demi. Did he put his hands on you?" Beyoncé asked noting taking her eyes off her.

Demi instantly looked up at Odell. Beyoncé turned Demi's face towards her so she was looking at her instead of her son.

" don't worry him sweeties he's not going to do anything to you" Beyoncé said sending a glare to her son.

" Mama this is between me and my girlfriend!" Odell said.

"Boy you better watch who you talking to. I carried you for 9 months, not the other way around" Beyoncé said.

"Y-yeah he did" demi cried.

" boy have you lost your damn mind!? I taught you so much better than that! What are you doing putting your hands on her!!" Beyoncé shouted.

" Mama I'm not about to do this with you. Demi let's go" Odell said walking away.

Demi got up quickly but was pulled down by her boyfriend's mother.

"No she's not going with you Odell. How long has he been hitting you? Was this his first time?" Beyoncé asked Demi.

"N-no" demi answered looking down at her growing stomach as her tears dropped on her lap.

"Odell I can't believe you. You know I went through the same thing with your dad and now you turn around and be just like him! Boy I raised you better than that!" Beyoncé said as she got up walking closer to her son.

" she's fucking pregnant with your Fucking baby and your stupid ass have the audacity to beat on her!?"

" I don't beat on her!" Odell said.

Yeah he'll push demi, choke her, slap her but he never recalled himself punching her with his fist.


Beyoncé was screaming now, she was so mad at her son. She honestly couldn't believe that her own son was hitting on his girlfriend. She'd thought that since she been in a domestic violence relationship with his dad that he'll never do something like that.

" I wouldn't be mad if she called the police on your ass or even leave you"

" she's not gonna do that" Odell chuckled.

" yes I will.... I probably won't call the police but I'll leave. Me and this baby will go and you won't see or hear from us ever again. Odell I love you so fucking much but I will leave, I won't raise my baby around an abusive father" demi cried as she spoke to Odell.

"And who's going to support you and the baby?you don't have nobody here, and you barely can afford your apartment" Odell said.

" I will. I'll be there for her and my grand baby. Now take this girl straight home and then you bring your butt home" Beyoncé said.

"Lets go man" Odell said walking out the door.

"Thank you Mama B " demi said hugging her.

" You're welcome honey, take care of my grand baby" Beyoncé said.

Demi walked the house getting in Odell's car, she didn't look nowhere but out the window. Odell reached over to grab Demi's hand but she pulled away from him.

"Don't touch me" Demi said.

Once Odell got to Demi's apartment he got out to walk her to her door. He thought Demi was going to invite him in but she didn't she just closed the door on him.

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