Never had a bad boy

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" Demetria your Dad wants you to attend a business meeting with him tonight" Carla said to her daughter.

"Ugh, Not again" Demi said walking in the kitchen.

"  hey I'm trying to teach you how to run this business" Eddie said.

" dad you skipped Kevin, he wants it but you just look right pass him because he messed up once" Demi said.

" your brother wouldn't understand"

"Are you serious! I'm only 17! And if I understand he does too. Kevin is smart and you know it!"  Demi snapped.

" I don't want to talk about this anymore" Eddie said.

" well if you don't take Kevin tonight then I'll quit the swimming team and the math team" Demi threatened.

" be ready before 6 Eddie said before leaving.

" thanks Demi" Kevin said.

Carla gave her daughter a high five as she sat their breakfast down in front of them. Kevin and Eddie didn't really get along ever since Kevin went to jail for drunk driving and having drugs on him. And he was the talk of the town and Eddie didn't like it one bit.


" so I got out of going to the meeting with my dad" Demi said.

" yes! Now you can come to the party tonight" Nicole said.

"Why do you want to go to this party so bad?" Demi asked.

" because Angie said the kids from the north side crash it all the time and the parties be so lit" she said.

" but isn't the kids from the north bad or some shit?"

" yeah and that's what makes it fun"


" I'm not sellin at the party man" Odell said.

" man just do it!" Randy said.

" no nigga! I don't fuckin sell you, it's the other way around. Now get yo goofy ass out my face" Odell said getting in his car.

" that nigga randy money hungry. Do he know that the money we make don't go to him?" Odell brother said.

" yeah you can make hella money off then rich kids but they not good at hiding shit so when one of they parents find drugs they gonna have the police all over that shit" Odell said.

" that's why I told you to stop selling at them parties, stay in the hood"

" imma need a bitch to suck the skin off my dick tonight" Clarence said.

" take my soul" Odell laughed.

Getting to the party they was right on time. The house looked packed already, Odell and his friends came deep in 6 cars. They always came in a big group just in case something went down. Walking in the house Odell scanned the place before walking to the kitchen to get something to drink.

" oh my god Demi look" Nicole said turning Demi's head towards the direction of the kitchen.

" he's hot" Demi said looking at the guy with the blonde hair.

" go talk to him" Nicole said.

" fuck no!"

When Odell was passing by Nicole push Demi into Odell making her bump into him causing him to knock his drink out his hand.

" im so sorry, I didn't mean to" Demi said looking at the taller guy.

" you good ma" Odell said smiling at Demi.

Odell walked back over to his group, taking the joint his brother passed him. They just stood on the wall bumpin to the music. Demi couldn't keep her eyes off Odell so she decided to make a bold move. Fixing him something to drink she took the cup over to him.

Giving him his cup Demi grabbed the back of his head pulling him down towards her.

" I'm sorry for wasting your drink" she said in his ear.

" oh you good baby, but thank you though" Odell said biting his lip as he looked a Demi.

" you smoke?" Odell asked.

" yeah" Demi lied.

Odell grabbed Demi's hand before leading her outside to his car. Odell opened the back door for Demi to get before he got in after her.

"I-I lied in the inside. I don't smoke.... I just said it so I can continue to talk to you" Demi said.

" that's cute. What's yo name?" Odell said forgetting about the joint.

"Demetria but people call me Demi" she said.

Demi heart was beating fast, she had never been alone with a boy before especially not some guy from the north side.

" you pretty and you got a pretty name. I just might have to make you my lil baby" Odell said smiling, showing his mouth full of golds.

"What's yours?" She asked.

" Odell but you can call me Daddy" he said grinning.

" oh you have to earn that name" Demi said back.

" I like the sound of that"

Odell leaned in pressing his lips against Demi's. Demi couldn't believe she was kissing him, wrapping her arm around his neck she moaned into the kiss.

" damn" Odell said running his hand over his face.

" what? What happened?" Demi asked.

" my people comin back to the car" Odell said.

" oh ok then" Demi said turning to get out.

Odell stopped Demi before kissing her again.

" imma need yo numba shorty" Odell said holding his phone out to Demi.

Demi smiled as she put her number in his phone. Giving his phone back she got out the car.

" you hit that shit bruh?" Clarence asked.

" I was about to but y'all niggas came out" Odell laughed.

" she thick as fuck my boy" Clarence said getting in the car.

" yeah imma hit that shit" Odell said.

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