Baby mama

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" babeeeee" Demi called for Odell .

"Yeah?" Odell answered back.

"Come here please"

Odell threw a silent fit before getting up from his game to see what Demi wanted.

"Wassup?" He said poking his head in the room.

" I'm hungry....well we're hungry. Could you get us food?" Demi asked as she rubbed her stomach.

" Demi we just ate dinner, what the fuck?" Odell said.

" ok! So Fucking what! I'm pregnant with your kid, remember! If you didn't want to go through all of this you should've wore a fucking condom" Demi snapped.

"Aye man watch yo fuckin mouth" Odell said.

" I don't have to do shit! I don't care if I eat 5 times and still hungry you're gonna go get me food because I'm pregnant with YOUR BABY"

"Alright bae what you want?" Odell asked.

"I don't know" Demi said.

"Chicken? A burger? Salad? What?" He asked.

"Pasta.....ouuu baby I want shrimp pasta" Demi said sitting up.

"That's it?" He asked.

"Can you FaceTime me while you're out?" Demi asked.

" you can come with me. Come on cupcake"

Demi got up slipping on her shoes before she followed Odell out the door. Odell opened the passenger door for Demi before he got in himself.

"can you help me with my seatbelt baby?" Asked.

Odell took the seatbelt buckling her in. He pecked her lip before starting the car.

"Baby" Demi said tapping Odell's arm.


" I want chicken nuggets too" she said biting her lower lip.

"Ok" he simply said driving to chili's first to get Demi some pasta.

"Don't forget we have a doctors appointment tomorrow and we have to finish shopping" Demi said strolling through her phone.

"My lil nigga growin" Odell said rubbing Demi's belly.

"Don't call him that babe" Demi said hitting Odell's hand.

"Ight, Ight. What time the appointment?" He asked.


" ahhh" Odell said.

Demi looked over at Odell with an eyebrow raise.

" you better be coming" Demi said.

" I am, just got to make a few stops before then" Odell said pulling up to the restaurant.

Once Odell had got their food he drove them back home. Demi settling in bed before Odell sat her food in front of her. He climbed in bed putting on a movie. Odell opened his plate picking up his burger before taking a bite.

"Can I have a piece? I'll give you some of my pasta" Demi said looking over at Odell.

"Yeah go ahead" Odell said holding the burger out for Demi to bite.


As soon as Demi was done eating she rolled over closer towards her boyfriend cuddling into him. Odell massaged her back as she laid against him.

" mmm, that feels good" Demi mumbled.

"Love you so much, you're the best boyfriend" Demi said with her eyes close.

"I love you too" Odell said kissing her forehead.

" you think he'll look like you or me?" Demi asked referring to the baby.

" definitely me... probably with your nose and eyes" he said.

" I want him to look just like you" Demi said running her thumb over Odell's bottom lip.

" with your personality though because you don't want him with my temper" Odell laughed.

"Oh god no" Demi said laughing with Odell.

They laughter died down and everything went silent.

" are you going to stop when our baby comes?" Demi asked.

"Demi. That brings us a lot of money, I only want the best for you and Devon" he said.

" I know that but what happens when you go to jail or get killed?" Demi asked.

"Just know you two would be set for the rest of y'all life"

" but I can't stop Demi, I can't just drop everything and quit. I've been doing this my whole life"

" please.... just think about it baby" Demi said kissing Odell's lips.

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now