My idiot part 2

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" I got an A on my quiz" Odell said showing his girlfriend his paper.

" yes! I knew you could do it, I'm so proud of you baby" Demi smiled.

" I still can't believe you made me study" Odell chuckled.

" studying is good babe and I'm sooo proud of you" Demi said pecking his lips.

" now wait for me please" Demi said running in the girls bathroom to change into her work clothes.

Odell liked how his girlfriend praised him for getting an A. He liked seeing his girlfriend happy with him and he wanted to make her proud by graduating with her. Odell honestly just played dumb to fit in, most of his friends were drop outs and the ones that was in school didn't even care.

" today is my short day so I get off at 6 so make sure you be there before then please" Demi said walking out the bathroom.

" I will" Odell said taking Demi's book bag as they walked out the school.

" it's time for a haircut handsome" Odell said looking at his reflection on the car window.

" yeah you do look like a caveman" Demi laughed.

Odell speeded out the parking lot when they were in the car.

" I was thinking about cutting my hair" Odell said jokingly.

" what!? Noooo, babe I love your hair" Demi said.

" I was just playing. I feel like my hair is my signature" Odell said.

" it is" Demi smiled.


" wassup y'all boys" Odell said clapping his friends up before sit down in one of the chairs.

" wassup dummy" ray said out of spite.

"Just been chillin" Odell said ignoring the name ray just called him.

" chillin my ass, yo stupid ass was probably staring at the wall all day until ya little bitch came and knocked some sense in ya" ray said making the other guys laugh.

" don't disrespect my girl like that Raymond" Odell said using his actual name letting him know he was serious.

"Oh my bad bruh" ray said sarcastically.

Odell just ignored him grabbing the joint when it was passed to him. Sitting there listening to his friends talk and joking around.

" aye y'all boys check this out, I took a test last week and we got our papers back today and I got an A" Odell said showing them his paper.

Ray stood up snatching Odell's paper out his hand and ripped it.

" what the fuck man!"

Ray hit Odell in his mouth before hitting him in his face.


"You trippin" Odell said getting off the floor picking up his paper that day ripped.

He wasn't going to fight him because Demi would've wanted him to be the bigger man.

Odell got in his car driving to Demi's job, he still had an whole hour to go but he thought he'll just sit in the car. Pulling up in the parking lot he parked all the way in the back. Looking at his ripped paper on the passenger seat he pulled out his phone going to the last message his mama sent him.

"You're somebody special, you're a leader and not a follower, you're a king, and can accomplish anything you put your mind to and remember that"

His mom died of cancer when he was in the 8th grade. That's when everything turned around for Odell. He got put in the system becoming a foster kid. He started hanging with the wrong crowd in school and once he found out his mama left him money and it all go to him when he turned 18 Odell didn't allow Anyone to adopt him. He just didn't care, it was always summer school for him. But when he met Demi when he was a junior and Demi was a sophomore he liked the fact that she was pushing him. When it was almost 6 Odell drove up to the front and waited for Demi.

"Hey ba- What happened to you face" Demi said turning Odell's face towards her.

"Nothing" he mumbled.

Looking at the ripped paper on the dashboard, she looked at her boyfriend with a worried look.

"Babe. What's happened?" She asked again.

" I don't wanna talk about it right now" he said taking the car out of park.


"I'm home and I brought Odell with me" Demi shouted walking in the house.

" in the kitchen sweetie" Carla called out.

" ok"

"Come on, let's go clean your face" Demi said walking to the bathroom with Odell behind her.

Demi sat Odell down on the toilet before pulling out the first aid kit.

"Ready to talk baby?" Demi asked.

" I went over to go hang with the boys and ray called me dumb but I let him slide, he called you a bitch but I told him don't disrespect my girl like that.  But we was smoking and I showed them boys my A and he took my paper ripped it and then split me in my shit" Odell said.

" oh babe. He's so fucking jealous of you. Please don't let that bother you" Demi said kissing Odell's forehead.

" it's just a small cut on your lip" Demi said.


" can I talk to you guys really quick?" Demi asked her parents.

" sure hun" her dad said.

" um Odell got into a fight with his friend because he showed them the A he got on his test and the guy ripped his paper. He's a little down, could he stay here tonight so I can keep an eye on him?" Demi asked.

" yes of course he can. David how about you go talk to him, he needs a father figure" Carla said.

" alright fine" he said getting up.

David walked to Demi's room peaking his head in.

" hey Odell lets go on the back porch really quick. David said.

Odell followed David outside sitting on the porch swing.

" you know I had a friend back in high school, he liked Carla.... I did too but when Carla picked me to go to the fall dance with he became angry. He made up excuses not to hang with me until he completely stop talking to me. He even made up a rumor about me being gay" David said.

"Ray been my friend since forever, he was there when my mama died........ I just didn't expect him to do some shit like that. He told me Demi the only one that care about my A and that I'll always be dumb in his book"

" he's wrong. Carla and I care about your A, we're proud of you. We're not your actual parents and we're definitely not trying to take their place but we might as well act like it since you're going to be in our daughter's life. Demi care about you a lot you know" David said.

"Yeah i know and I care about her too. I never loved anyone the way that I love her" Odell said.

"I know son. But remember any friend that turns into an enemy has been hatin since day one" David said patting Odell shoulder before getting up.

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