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"Hey Aron did you take out the trash?" Demi yelled upstairs.

" he can't hear you mama, he's blasting his music" Andrew said.

Demi went upstairs stopping by her daughter's room first.

" hey princess, do you have everything packed?"  Demi asked her 5 year old Daughter.

" yes, just my bathing suit and toys like you said" she said with a smile.

" alright good, take it downstairs and then come back up so we can clean your room"

Demi walked across the hall going into her other son room. Demi opened the door seeing the junky room, she reached over turning his music off.

" what the hell Demi" Aron said.


" why you turned my music off?"

" because you're blasting it, you didn't take out the trash, your room is a hot mess, and I'm pretty sure your bags isn't packed" demi said.

" this is why I need to live with my dad, I can't deal with you and your nagging. No wonder why you don't have a man " Aron said getting up.

"Yeah whatever just do what I say" Demi said walking out his room.

Aron wasn't really her kid, while married Odell he cheated and ended up getting the other woman pregnant. They didn't get a divorce they just worked it out, Demi been around Aron since he was born. She was always there for him when his actual mother wasn't since she was so caught up in her job. After Jamie was born Demi and Odell started drifting apart, realizing that it was better for them not to be together. Now after 2 years Odell was the one to move on.

"Daddy's here!" Jamie yelled.

Andrew got up unlocking the door for his dad.

" hey dad" he said.

" hey what's up" Odell said walking in the house.

"Daddy!" Jamie yelled running to her dad.

"Hey baby girl" Odell said picking her up.

" where's mommy?" He asked.

"Upstairs driving me insane" Aron said coming downstairs with his bag.

" Odell maybe you should let Aron stay with you and Lisa, he doesn't listen and he's rude" Demi said coming downstairs behind Aron.

Odell looked over at his son with a stern look.

"Wah. What about when Andrew talked back to you in that store, you did nothing" Aron said.

" I took his phone, put him on punishment for 2 weeks and he got his butt whopped by your dad" Demi said.

" after this trip you're grounded" Odell said turning around picking Jamie bag up.

Aron stormed out the house going to wait by the car.

" see you later mom" Andrew said.


" when we get in this house you go straight to your room" Demi said to her daughter.

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now