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"Odell she's off today, she won't be back to work until tomorrow" Stacey told Odell.

" I NEED HER! PLEASE" Odell cried.

Stacey rushed over to the phone calling Demi.

" I'm sorry dr.Lovato but we have your patient Odell Beckham here at the office and he will not leave until he speaks to you" Stacey said.

"Shit. I'm on my way Stacey" Demi said getting out her bed.

Demi rushed down the the office in nothing but some running shorts and a tank top. She couldn't believe Odell was at the office. Once she got there she ran straight inside.

" Odell. What's wrong?" Demi asked.

"I- I was calling you and you didn't answer Odell said"

" Odell I'm off on Thursdays. But I'm here now what's the matter?" She asked taking a step towards him.

" I need you. The voices won't go away" Odell said wiping his eyes.

" ok it's late so let's get you home so Stacey can lock up here. Come on" Demi said grabbing his hand.

" I don't want to go back to my place. Please" Odell said gripping Demi's hand.

" Demi didn't take her patients back to her house because it was unprofessional but with Odell it was different. She's known him for 5 years now, she had a soft side for the man.

" ok Odell. You think you can drive? Follow me?" She asked.

" I can but can I call you?

Those voices in Odell's head was his different personalities. He thought Demi didn't know about them but she did. She seen them all in action. Right now Odell had the light, she knew it was Odell because he always was the one asking for help. Getting inside her car she called Odell before connecting her phone to her car. During the drive Odell was quiet on the phone with Demi... that was until she heard that New York accent.

"Where the hell we going"

" hi Darren. It's Demi, we're heading to my house right now" she said.

" yo house? Ohhhh we clappin cheeks moe?" Darren asked.

" no we're not. Odell called me so I'm taking him back to my place because clearly you guys can't get along.

"That nigga a pussy! I ain't neva seen a nigga so soft like him" Darren laughed.

"Go thing I came because if Zane would've showed up our ass would've been in a lake cause that nigga can't drive"

" yeah but I'm pretty sure Zane is gonna show up later tonight" Demi said.

When they got to Demi's house Darren ran to open Demi's door with made Demi look up at him. She noticed his eye color changed into a hazel brown and she knew those eyes anywhere.

" thank you Zane but you forgot to turn the car off" Demi said pointing at Odell's car.

" oh ummm. I don't.... stay back nigga, you way to stoopid to talk to her" Darren said making a appearance again.

"Don't be rude Darren" Demi said going to unlock her door while Darren shut the car off.

" I'm just being a real ass nigga" Darren said following her inside.

"Ok Darren I need to speak with Odell" Demi said.

"So I cant spend time with my favorite girl?" Darren asked.

" Odell is my patient. I need to see if he's ok"

Demi waited until Odell came back. Demi was always amazed how they switched over.

Dealing with a Odell for 5 years Demi knew who was who. Darren was the flirtatious, rude one. He was the man whore of Odell. Zane was the sweet one, very nice manners, and a gentleman. And Odell was the one that suffered with all of it, he just can't control them. But they all had one thing in common, they wanted Demi.

"I hate him so fucking much" Odell said talking about Darren.

" yeah... he's not the nicest" Demi chuckled.

" is there anything to make them go away? Did the people contact you yet about it?" Odell asked.

" no odell, their still searching"

" nigga you need us! And you..."

" SHUT THE FUCK UP DARREN!" Odell yelled.

" you see that! You see how he came and you gained the control back? It needs to be like that all the time. This is your body and only YOU need to have control not them, it's your name on that birth certificate" Demi said.

" it's Darren! And Zane is just following him" Odell said.

"Is it ok if I talk to the others?" Demi asked.

" you know you can talk to me baby" Darren said smirking at Demi.

" let's make a deal Darren" Demi said sitting up.

"What kind of deal are we talking about baby?"

" you let Odell have control of his body for a week and I'll do anything you say" Demi said.

" oh yes! I like this deal!" Darren said as he stood up.

" yeah and we're starting right now so give me Zane please"

" don't miss me too much baby" Darren said.

" he's a jerk" Zane said.

"Hi Zane" demi said smiling at him.

" are you gonna make me a deal too?" He asked.

" yes I am.... anything you want" Demi

" hey! I thought that was just for me!" Darren said coming back.

"Darren! Don't be rude! We made a deal"

Darren gave Demi a look with his dark eyes before they slowly started fading into hazel.

" anything I want... I'll like to take you on a date" Zane said smiling.

"Zane Odell is my patient..."

"Please it's all I want" he begged.

" how is this suppose to help me?" Odell asked.

" you haven't had control of your own body in awhile. This is gonna show you what you're missing out on, you have to learn to gain self control. You and only you have the power to switch back and forward" Demi said.

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now