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" my daddy come home today" Harper said to her godmother.

"Oh I know you're very excited to see your daddy" she said smiling at Harper.

" I am plus mommy said he's staying home for good this time" Harper said.

Vanessa frowned her face when Harper told her that Odell wasn't going back. She'll have to talk to Demi about that later.

"Alright little one lets go get daddy a welcome home gift then" Vanessa said.


"You ok baby?" Demi asked looking at her husband.

" yeah I'm good, it just feel so wired" Odell said looking at the nub that was left of his left arm.

"I'm sorry babe" demi said rubbing his leg.

"Don't be sorry. This is better than being dead. I'm grateful because it's some guys and females that didn't come back to see their love ones" Odell said.

Demi broke into a sob before covering her mouth. That thought ran through her mind all the time. Getting a call that her husband was dead.

" I'm glad you're back alive, I don't know what I would've told Harper. She's excited to see you " demi Said.

"I miss my princess and I'm glad I didn't miss the birth of this one" Odell said rubbing demi swollen belly.

" you would have, he's coming in a few days" demi said smiling at Odell's hand on her stomach.

"So that means your suppose to be on bed rest"

" I just want to make sure you're ok babe" demi said.

" I'm fine baby. I promise, it's just my arm. And it won't even be like this for long, I'm getting a prosthetic arm in 2 weeks" Odell said.

"Love you" She said.

"Love you too Demetria"


"Mommy! Mommy! Is daddy here?" Harper yelled as soon as she came through the door.

"Yes he is baby" demi said smiling at her 6 year old.

Odell walked around the corner holding a bear in his hand. Harper seen her Mama looking pass her, she turned around seeing her daddy standing behind her.

"Daddy!" Harper shouted running over to dad.

"Hey princess" Odell said said picking her up with his arm.

Demi stepped closer when Odell went to pick Harper up but she seen that Odell had it.

"I missed you so much daddy" Harper cried.

" awe I missed you too Harper. So much but I'm home for good now" he said.

Vanessa decided to ask Odell what he meant by home for good now  but when he slightly turned Vanessa saw that his left arm was gone. Harper didn't notice that her dad's arm was missing until she was put down.

"Dad. What happened to you arm?" Harper asked.

" come on let's go sit down" Odell said walking over to the couch with his daughter.

"How you feeling?" Vanessa asked Demi rubbing her arm.

"I'm fine I guess.I'm just glad he's home to see her" demi said rubbing her stomach.

" at least he'll be here when Jason gets here" Vanessa said placing her hand on Demi's belly.

" I have a interview tomorrow and since I'm on bed rest I have to through video chat" demi said walking into the kitchen.

"So you want me to take Harper?"

"No,no. She going to want to stay with her dad but could you come over though?" Demi asked.

"Yeah sure no problem"


" so you think I'm not capable for sex now? Demi it's just my Fucking arm not my dick" Odell snapped.

" I know, I know but I'm just so scared that I might hurt you and I don't want to cause you any pain. Yes I want sex with you, I've waited 8 months" demi Said.

"Ok then stop playing and come here" Odell said.

Demi pulled her shirt off showing her full breast. She was debating on rather to ride Odell or just go for doggy style. Odell rolled his eyes before slowly pushing his wife down on the bed so that she was laying on her back.

" You're flexible, we can manage"


"Daddy! Daddy!" Harper yelled running into her parents room.

"Hey princess. Too loud" Odell said turning over.

"Sorry daddy" she said covering her mouth.

"Where's mommy?" Odell asked.

"In the office, she's on the tv" Harper said.

Harper grabbed the remote turning on the tv for her dad. They tuned in right on time.

"Yeah my husband is back from the army for good this time. He lost his left arm and it doesn't make me or Harper love him any less because he's missing a limb. And I was informed that he'll be receiving a Purple Heart" demi said with a smile.

"Ain't that nice. I'm glad he's back home safe, tell your husband that I said thank you for serving our country" Ellen said.

"I will"

Once demi was done with her interview over the webcam she made her way toward the master bedroom.

"Harper? Babe?" Demi called out once she entered the room not seeing them.

"Downstairs Mommy!" Harper shouted.

Demi slowly walked downstairs making her way to the kitchen where she heard Odell and Harper talking. Demi walked in seeing them both eating cereal she just smiled at her cute little family.

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now