Drug dealer

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" is this too much baby?" Demi asked holding the little bag up.

"No bae that's fine right there. You see I told you that you'll know how to do it" Odell said.

"But I'm going to put it on the scale to check it just in case" she said.

"Damn you look so sexy right now"

Demi sat at the table with nothing but some panties on as she helped sort out the drugs. Odell knew he picked the right girl, Demi was definitely wifey material.

" stop staring at me" demi blushed.

" I can't help it. I was just thinking about how you're wifey material, you're like my perfect piece" Odell said.

" I wouldn't mind a ring on my finger" demi said holding her hand out.

" You're not even out of high school yet, calm down baby" Odell chuckled.

" but I love you and you love me so why should that matter" demi said filling the bags.

" I need you thinking about getting into your dream college and graduating then we'll talk about this marriage thing" Odell said stuffing the coke bags.

" but what if you change your mind" demi said with a pout.

" I have you a promise ring baby, I ain't going nowhere"

Demi looked at the coke her boyfriend was stuffing in the bags. She always wondered about that stuff.

"You ever tried coke? I wanna try it" Demi asked out of curiosity.

" no I haven't and you won't either. Don't get involved in this shit, it'll end up killing you. Stick to weed" Odell said looking at his girlfriend.

Odell looked towards the door when he heard a knock. He got up tossing his shirt at Demi before walking towards the door looking through the peek hole. Odell cracked the door open, enough room for his body.

" what's up?" He said to the two girls at his door.

"Um can we have a um 3.5 bag?" The girl asked.

"$35" odell Said looking at the girls.

The girl reached out to give Odell the money but pulled back a little.

"You should come back with your phone too so I could put my number in" the girl said.

Demi knew that voice very well. When Odell closed the door demi got up to look through the peek hole.

"Stupid bitches" demi said.

" you know them?" Odell asked going to grab a 3.5 bag.

"Yeah they go to my school, cheerleaders" demi said.

"Well one of them just asked for my number" Odell said.

With that demi grabbed the bag from Odell before she went to give it to them. The girls was shocked when demi came to answer the door.

" here you go" demi said holding out the bag.

"There is no way that guy is dating you" the girls laughed.

"If you say so. Take your weed and run along, and I suggest you find another weed man because he'll no longer serve you again" demi smiled before shutting the door.

"Don't sell to them anymore" demi said sitting back down at the table to finish bagging.

"Yes ma'am" Odell said.


"Don't make that face at me" Odell said as he looked at his girlfriend over the phone.

" why can't you come see me?" Demi whined.

"Because I'm making two big drops tonight and about time I'm done I know you're going to be sleep" Odell said.

"then let me wait at your house" demi suggested.

"I don't know demi. I don't like you by yourself"

"I'll be fine, I promise. I'll keep the door locked, I won't answer the door" demi said.

Odell chuckled at how desperate his girlfriend sounded. He thought it was cute how demi always wanted to see him. Almost everything see did Odell thought it was cute.

"Alright" He said smiling at Demi.

"Love you" She said.

"Love you too shorty. Save me some cuddles alright?"

"I will for sure" demi said before she hung up.

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now