Double life

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"I don't care about her Odell ! Come see your daughter" Demi snapped over the phone.

"Demetria I'm coming. Just give me time please" Odell said trying to make sure her wife didn't need anything.

" you have an hour" Demi said before hanging up.

"Kenzie? Did you pick up your toys?" Demi asked her 4 year old.

"Yes mommy" Mckenzie said running towards Demi.

Demi picked her daughter up kissing her cheek.

"Let's go have a snack before Daddy comes" Demi said walking in the kitchen with Kenzie in her arms.

"Am I going with Daddy?" Kenzie asked.

" I don't know baby but you can ask him when he get here" Demi said grabbing the grapes from the refrigerator.

Demi and Mckenzie sat at the island eating the grapes while having a little chat. They didn't hear Odell's come through the door.

"What did I tell you about leaving the door unlock Demi" Odell said coming inside the kitchen.

"Daddy!" Kenzie yelled holding her arms up.

"Hello my little princess"Odell said picking Kenzie up kissing all over her face.

"Am I going home with you or do I have to stay here?" Kenzie asked Odell.

"I'm sorry, I'll get you next weekend and then we can go to the Disney store"

Kenzie leaned her head down on Odell's shoulder. Demi knew their daughter was about to have a fit, Demi grabbed the bags of grapes before leaving out the kitchen.

"I want to go with you now Daddy" Kenzie cried.

"Mckenzie..... baby girl" Odell said.

Odell walked out the kitchen when she didn't see Demi. Mckenzie cries got louder and louder. Demi watched Odell try to comfort Mckenzie but she knew He was just going to give in light he always did.

"Ok,ok Mckenzie" Odell said rolling his eyes.

"Ok! Let me go get my teddy" she said getting out of Odell's arms running upstairs.

"Those were obviously fake tears that you always fall for" Demi said looking up at Odell from her seat.

Odell walked over to Demi before leaning down to kiss her. But Demi turned her head so Odell wouldn't kiss her. Demi looked up at Odell with one eyebrow raised.

"What?" Odell asked.

"Come on don't give me that look baby" he said going in for another kiss.

"No. You promised me we'll have time together " Demi said.

Odell was about to speak but Mckenzie came back downstairs.

"we'll speak later" Odell said.


"That all you wanted huh?" Odell asked with a chuckle.

"Yes" Demi mumbled as she laid on top of Odell naked.

" and don't be calling my house phone. You know Megan is always there" Odell said smacking Demi ass.

"I want another baby" Demi said sitting up on Odell.

"Demi no. Baby we talked about this" Odell said running his hand over his face.

"Your wife can't even have kids so why does it matter" Demi mumbled.

Odell had cheated on his wife with Demi 6 years ago. It started off as some playful flirting but it turned into more. Demi knew Odell had a wife but she couldn't help herself when it came to Odell. Odell wife can't have kids so when she found out Demi was pregnant with Odell's baby she felt some type of way.

"That's the point Demetria!" Odell snapped.

" ok fine, I'll have my baby for someone else" Demi said moving off Odell.

"Aye man don't fuckin play with me " Odell said sitting up in bed.

" I'm not going to sit here and wait for you Odell! I have to live my life and be with someone who love me. It's like you always put me and Kenzie last and that's not fair to us" Demi said.

" I put Mckenzie before everyone, she's my daughter and nobody comes before my daughter so I'm not hearing that last shit Demi. You know I'm always there for her" Odell said.

" but what about me Odell! I want to be with you, not just some side piece you come fuck when your wife is fucking up. I want to be more than that to you" Demi said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Demi you're my baby mama. I do a lot for you"

"Ok Odell" Demi said just dropping the conversation.


"Mommy you ok? Kenzie Asked her mom when she seen her throwing up over the toilet.

"Yeah baby I'm fi-" Demi couldn't even finish her sentence before she was throwing up again.

Mckenzie ran towards her room grabbing her iPad she called her daddy on FaceTime waiting for him to answer.

"Hey princess what's up" Odell said Answering the phone.

" mommy throwing up, she don't feel well" Kenzie said.

" where is she now princess?" Odell asked sitting up in bed.

" In the bathroom"

Mckenzie walked towards the bathroom flipping the camera towards Demi.

" you see Mama" Kenzie said.

Demi turned her head around seeing her daughter pointing her iPad towards her.

"MCKENZIE! Hang up!" Demi yelled.

"But it's Daddy" Kenzie said.

"NOW!" Demi said.

Once Mckenzie hung up the phone Odell got out of bed slipping on some sweat pants and his shoes before grabbing his keys to leave.

"Babe really? She's fine" Megan said.

"My child is over there Megan and if Demi isn't fine then that means no one is watching my child" Odell.

"It wouldn't have to be like this if you would've just kept your dick in your pants" Megan said.

Odell just ignored Megan before she left heading to Demi's house. Demi knew Odell was on his way over but she wasn't going to tell him that she was pregnant since he clearly didn't want another baby.

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