Never had a bad boy part 2

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" is your mom here?" Demi asked as she followed Odell inside the house.

" naw. I asked her could she leave" Odell said walking to his room.

Demi didn't expect Odell house to be this nice inside because it looked like shit outside.

" I'm not even gonna lie to you Demi.... I'm tryna fuck" Odell said.

"Yeah I know" she said pulling her dress off leaving her in just panties.

Odell walked over to Demi picking her before laying her on his bed. Demi sat up on her elbows watching Odell strip in front of her. His body was literally covered in tattoos.

" come take these off" Odell said talking about His briefs.

Demi moved to the end of the bed sitting in front of him. Pulling down his briefs she gasped seeing the size of his dick. Demi grabbed his dick putting the tip in her mouth.

" I know you can take more than that ma" Odell said looking down at Demi.

Odell pushed Demi down and he was surprised when she took all of him in her mouth.

"Fuck! Lil baby got a deep throat" Odell said.


" you let him take your virginity!? Demi he's not calling you back" Nicole said.

" Nicole just because it happened to you doesn't mean it's going to happen to me" Demi said putting her stuff in her locker.

" they know each other, all guys act just like their friends" she said.

" ok Nicole" Demi said leaving her friend.

Getting to class Demi sat in her regular seat right by the book shelf.

Odell: you gonna let me pick you up after school or will I be out of place?

Demi: no you can come get me, I wanted to see you anyways♥️

Odell: oh you miss ah nigga already.

Odell: must done hit a nerve yesterday🤪

Demi: lol, w.e

Demi: I'll text you when I go on lunch break.


Odell stood outside his car waiting on Demi. A bunch of kids just starting at him as they walked by. Some even stayed around thinking he was there to beat the hell out of someone.

Walking out with Nicole a smile grew on Demi's face when she seen Odell waiting for her.

"Told you" Demi said with a smirking.

"Wassup baby" Odell said smiling when Demi got closer.

"hI" Demi smiled wrapping her arms around Odell's neck before pecking his lips.

Everyone was shocked when Demi kissed Odell. Odell looked around him making eye contact with a few people as he did so. Odell opened the door for Demi, making sure she was in before closing it.

" you coming to my house?" Odell asked once he got in the car.

"Yeah" Demi said smiling towards him.

Odell zoomed out the parking lot blasting his music.


"Mama said take the garbage out nigga" Clarence said when Odell walked in the house.

"Man take that trash out and stop playin with me" Odell said closing the door behind Demi.

"Aye don't get dropped in front of yo dame" Clarence said joking.

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