Im pregnant

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Demi: where is she? Because if she just stepped out for a quick second I'm not coming.

Odell: demi she's not here, she went to Bahamas with her friends. Bring your sexy ass over here and stop playing with me man

Demi got up out her bed slipping on some sweats and her Gucci slides before she grabbed her phone and keys heading downstairs.

"What are you doing up?" Demi asked Aiden.

"Couldn't sleep so I decided to come down here and play the game" he said not taking his eyes off the tv.

"Well I'll be back, I'm going to meet up with Mark so keep an eye on the twins for me" demi Said.


Demi left out the house getting inside her car to head over to Odell's house. The drive wasn't long, she pulled up right behind his Jeep. Before she could even reach the front door Odell was already greeting her in nothing but his supreme briefs.

"Bro why you left my message on read?" Odell asked letting Demi walk in his house.

Demi rolled her eyes ignoring Odell's question walking in the living room she sat on the couch.

" so you don't hear me talking to you?" Odell said tugging Demi's ponytail.

"I have no choice but to hear you Odell. Now what did you call me over here for?" Demi asked.

" to talk. Cuddle. Fuck" Odell said sitting on the coffee table in front of Demi looking at her biting his bottom lip.

"Well I'm hungry" demi said getting up to walk to the kitchen.

Demi walked in the kitchen knowing Odell would be right behind her. Going to his refrigerator she opened it to see what was inside. It wasn't long until she felt Odell pressed up behind her.

" I'm hungry too" Odell said bending down kissing Demi's neck as he held her waist.

Demi leaned her head to the side giving Odell more access. Demi seen a salad in the refrigerator, bending over to get it she made sure her ass pressed against Odell's crotch.

" that's jasmine's Salad" Odell said.

Demi took the salad over to the table tearing the plastic off the salad before opening the salad dressing putting it over the salad.

"Your point?" Demi said as she started eating the salad.

Odell looked at demi before he chuckled. He knew he'll have to replace the salad before his girlfriend got back.

"Oh, I can't get the kids this weekend" Odell said sitting down.

"What? Why ? I told you I had plans" demi said.

" I'm flying out to Detroit for a meeting. And what plans do you have? That nigga taking you out?

" for like the 100th time I'm not dating anyone" demi said eating her salad.

" and since you're not getting them this week you have to keep them for 2 weeks" demi said with a smile.

" that's gonna be two weeks of hell, Aliyah give jasmine such a hard time. She gets her attitude from you" Odell said.


Demi knew her kids didn't like their dad's girlfriend, they would always come back home telling her about jasmine.she couldn't make them like her, all she tell them is to be respectful. Demi gave the empty bowl to Odell so he could throw it out.

"Why are you so hard right now?" Demi asked laughing.

" because I'm horny as shit and my baby Mama playing games" Odell said.

"Let's go upstairs so you can stop being a baby"


"Fuck Demi" Odell said as he tried to catch his breath.

"Fuck that was so good but I'm sore and tired now" demi said with her head rested on Odell's chest.

Odell rubbed Demi's back as they laid in the bed together. Demi was debating if she should tell Odell now or later but she really wanted to get it over with.

" I'm pregnant" demi came out and said.

"You what?"Odell asked.

"I'm pregnant..... with twins"

"Seriously!? Fuck yeah!! I've been waiting for the longest. How did you find out?" Odell asked.

"I had blood work done, I'm 2 months"


"Where's Mama?" Aliyah asked Aiden.

"She left out around 5 in the morning. She said she was meeting Mark but I know she went to dad. They're still fucking with each other" Aiden said.

"Yeah and she's pregnant again" Aliyah said.

"No fucking way. Too many siblings" Aiden said.

"With twins. I hear her say it over the phone"

"Your mom is wild" Aiden said.

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now