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" I love you so fucking much Demetria! I swear I do" Odell shouted banging his hand on the door.

" Odell... just stop and go home" demi said standing on the other side of the door.

" I just want to talk. Baby I'm sorry for yelling at you" Odell said not moving from the door.

Demi and Odell had gotten into an argument and it was bad. Demi threw anything close to her at Odell. The fight started all because odell left his shoes out again.

"We already fucking talked, what else do you want to talk about!?" Demi snapped as she opened the door.

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, I swear" Odell said.

Odell grabbed Demi's hand but she pulled back from him. Demi was honestly tired of fighting with her boyfriend, that's all they did lately was fight.

"I'm gonna go to my sister's house for tonight. I think it's for the best" demi said moving hair out her face.

"No. You stay, I'll leave. I don't want you out there this late at night" Odell said walking in the room grabbing his bag.

Demi sat on the bed as she watched Odell pack some clothes. Once Odell was done he grabbed his bag, Demi walked him to the door.

"Hey" Demi said making Odell turn.

" i love you too" she said before closing the door.


Odell ended up sitting by a lake crying his eyes out. He knew demi was going to break up with him and he didn't want that. Odell was a selfish person when it came to Demi. And if he couldn't have her nobody could. Odell smiled at the old memory that played back in his head. They're first "I love you" was during they're first fight, freshmen year in college.

Odell took his phone going to his photos. He had a bunch of pictures he took of Demi.


" I don't know what to do mom. I love him but we fight so much, and we're always saying things to hurt each other" demi said as she cried on the phone with her mom.

"Sweetie maybe you two should take a break from each other" Dianna said.

"We tried! We need each other."


"We need to take a break" Demi said.

" a break? For what? No." Odell said.

"Odell wou-"

"No! Fuck that man. You know breaks always turn into breakups and I don't want that Demi. You know how I feel about you. We don't need a break" Odell said.

"Odell yes we do. We fight a lot baby. And it's not healthy for our relationship" she said.

Odell stood in Demi's dorm room for about 2 mins staring at Demi before he walked out.


It's been five days since Demi's and Odell's break and they haven't even seen each other. And Demi was craving Odell's touch and attention, she was missing him like crazy.

Demi was just coming from volleyball, walking from the gym towards her dorm room. Blasting her music through her headphones as she walked across campus. She turned her headphones down when she felt like someone was watching her. She always got this tingling feeling when someone was staring at her.

Turning around she seen Odell behind her, he was closer then she expected causing her to jump.

"Oh fuck.... Odell what the fuck are you doing?" Demi asked.

"I needed to talk to you, see you. I can't do this shit, can't go without seeing you that long. I need you angel" Odell said.

A small smirk creeped up on Demi's face when she heard that cute familiar pet name. Grabbing Odell by the jacket Demi crashed her lips against his. It felt so good to kick him and she didn't want to stop.

"I need you" demi mumbled against his lips"

~end of flashback~


Odell sat on the side of the bed staring at Demi as she slept. She looked so peaceful, she was a goddess in Odell's eye. He got up out the chair before getting down on his knees, leaning over kissing Demi's forehead and Demi wasn't a heavy sleeper so she felt that. Odell scared Demi but she calmed down when she realized it was him.

"What are you doing here?" Demi asked.

"I came to see you one last time, tell you how much I love you angel" Odell said smiling.

"One last time? Where are you going? A-are you leaving me?" Demi asked confused sitting up in her bed.

"No-no. I'm not going anywhere angel, not going nowhere" Odell said moving to sit on the bed pulling demi in his lap.

Odell was freaking Demi out With how he was acting but she didn't dwell on it, she just brushed it off.

"I love you" Demi said caressing his face.

" I love you too angle and I'll see you again one day"

Demi was about to ask what he was talking about but it was too late. Demi's body went slumped in Odell's arms, the blood splattered on his face and clothes. Putting the gun on the bed he laid Demi's lifeless body down, staring at those brown eyes was last time before shutting them.

Odell pushed some hairs out of Demi's face before he leaned down kissing her forehead.

"My angel belong in heaven" Odell said.


A/N: I got this idea from someone but the way they wrote it was 1000 times better.

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