Soulmates part 2

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Demi stayed in the back for most of the day since she was supporting a black eye that she received from her dad. she told everyone that asked that she had got into a fight. Demi filled up all the empty ketchup and syrup bottles. Before she moved on towards the dishes, she wanted to be out in the front making tips but she didn't want people asking about her eye. Washing the dishes demi felt a burning in her arm, smiling she pulled her sleeve up. A whole bunch of writing appeared on her arm.

"He's near" demi said to herself.

Demi ran towards the double door peeking out. Demi didn't know how Odell looked he. Odell was handling business until he passed by the restaurant at the end of the block. His right arm began to burn and he knew what that mean. Looking around him, everybody looked normal as they continued to walk. Going inside the restaurant the burning only got stronger, he was getting closer to her. Odell knew how she looked, she appeared in his dreams multiple times. Looking around the room he didn't see her, making a bold move Odell went walking towards the back ignoring the "associate only" sign.

"Sir you can't be back here" a guy said.

Odell kept walking until he seen her over by the sink washing dishes.


Demi head turned when she heard her name. Demi stood there speechless, she started feeling this gravitational pull towards him. Letting her body just take the lead she walked up to him taking his hand. The burning in her arm stopped as soon as they were touching.

"Hi" demi shyly Said.

"What happened to your eye baby girl?" Odell asked with a worried expression on his face as he ran his thumb under her bruised eye.

"I'll tell you later. I have to get back to work" demi said looking at her manager.

"Ok, then I'll wait for you then" Odell said.

Throughout the day demi couldn't stop looking at Odell through the little kitchen window. All demi wanted to do is be up under him, she thought it was really cute how he'll smile every time they made eye contact. Once her lunch break came demi darted out the kitchen grabbing Odell's hand pulling him out the drop. Running all the way down the street to the park demi sat by the water. Odell sat behind her wrapping his arms around her. Everything that they was doing felt so normal and comfortable.

" I can't believe you're here" demi said.

"Yeah me too. You're so beautiful, I thought you would've told me no" Odell chuckled.

" never, you're my soulmate" demi said turning her neck to look at Odell.

"What happened? Who hit you?"? Odell asked.

Demi was going to lie to him but when she spoke the truth came out.

" my dad hit me for hiding" demi Said.

"Hit you? Why is he hitting you!?" Odell said getting angry.

" he's just an angry old grumpy man since his soulmate told him no. He treats me like shit" she said.

"Then come with me tomorrow. You can stay with me, I have my own place. remember I said you wouldn't have to work a day in your life once we get together.......I mean it demi"

"I'll follow you" demi said.

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