Nights like this

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A/N: after you're finish with this chapter go ahead and go read chapter 40 of "hidden"

Odell couldn't stop staring at his wife picture. He was missing her like crazy, missing her voice, smell, her attention, especially her touch. Odell didn't want to move on but he was missing that physical things.

"Hey come on we're about to leave" sky said peeking her head in the men's locker room.

" my bad, I was looking at something" Odell said.

"Missing her huh?" Sky asked walking all the way in the locker room.

"Yeah I do" Odell said putting the picture in his bag.

"How about you come back to my place and we talk about it, we don't have to go out" she said.

" naw I don't want to bother you" he said.

"No! You won't, I promise" sky said smiling at Odell.


Odell watched sky move around the kitchen as she cooked for the both of them.

"Sky short just like Demi, probably a little taller but bout the same" Odell thought out of nowhere.

" I don't want to move on" Odell said.

Sky turned the pot off before serving both her's and Odell food before she sat across from him.

"Why?" She asked.

"I been with her for so long and I wanted her so bad when I first met her and i don't want to just let her go like that" Odell said.

"I don't want to move on but...... I miss her touch and her attention" Odell said.

" ....well maybe you need someone to fill that spot for you" sky said eating her food.

" I don't know"

Sky got out her seat walking over to Odell turning his chair around.

" maybe I can help you decide" she said straddling his lap.

Odell didn't stop her either, all it took was one kiss and Odell had sky pinned against The wall. But it didn't stop there, she started inviting him over at night and not to "just talk" either. Sky knew Odell was just using her as a sex doll but she thought that if she was they for him all the time then he'll come around to them actually being a thing.


Sky: I want to see you tonight, can I come over?

Odell: no. My mom and sister is here

Odell: maybe tomorrow

Sky: I really need you, just come over here then we can meet at your car.

Sky: pleaseeee * nude picture*

Odell seen the nude before texting sky back.

Odell: I'll be over there

Sky: see you when you get here😘

That's where Odell spent most of his nights at, over at sky house. The sex wasn't anything compared to how him and Demi got down but it was enough to give him a release. Odell only started falling back when he started peep that sky was acting like they were a real couple. She wanted to be around the boys more and this was the thing Odell was afraid of because he wasn't ready to move on.
A/N: so I tried to make this fit into the story because I wanted a bit of drama🙃

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