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Princess Demi was a 16 year old girl who didn't have a lot of freedom. Her dad kept her in the house most of the time, only friends Demi had was the poor people her dad consider slaves. She didn't like hanging with the royal kids on the block she'll rather sit and help clean.

"So how did you sleep last night" Odell asked Demi.

" horrible, you know when the bed get too old so it starts to hurt your back"

" no.... I never had a bed" Odell said looking over and Demi.

" oh I'm sorry" Demi said.

Demi had only met Odell about 3 months ago and it seem as though they knew each other their whole life. Demi had a crush on Odell but she didn't want to tell him.

"it's fine" Odell said smiling at Demi.

" do you want to go swimming today?"  Odell asked.

"How? We don't have nothing to swim in" Demi said as they walked to their spot.

"We can swim in our underwear...... or naked" Odell suggested.

" naked.... my dad would start asking questions if he see me wet"

"Yeah and he'll probably kill me if he finds out some 19 year old poor guy is talking to his 16 year old princess" Odell said with a chuckle.

"I wouldn't let him" Demi said as she started taking her clothes off.

Odell watched as Demi got naked, feeling himself getting turned on. Odell watched as Demi walked down towards the water. Taking his clothes off laying his next to Demi's before running towards the water swimming over to Her.

"I-I can't swim"Demi said as she wrapped her arms around Odell.

"Umm, Demi...." Odell said pushing Demi away a bit trying not to let the girl so close.

"You scared? No one is around, I won't tell" Demi said biting her lip.

"Demi I don't wanna hurt you" Odell said.

"It's going to hurt either way, I want this with you" Demi said before she kissed Odell.

With Demi it was love at first sight for Odell but he knew they could never be nothing because Odell was just some poor boy and Demi was a princess.

Odell got hard instantly, feeling herself press up against Demi's stomach.

"I'm a virgin" Dani said.

"Me too"  Odell said looking at Demi.

Demi moved closer wrapping her legs around Odell feeling the tip press against her entrance.

"It's gonna hurt....I'm sorry" Odell said as he pushed in slowly.

Demi cried out in pain, jerking back from Odell. Odell slipped out before pushing back in before he let Demi adjust.

"So tight" Odell moaned out.

"Keep going, please don't stop" Demi moaned as she started to feel the pleasure.

Looking Demi in her eyes he started pounding into her but he really couldn't move because the water was slowing him down.

" I'm close Odell " the 16 year old girl moaned out.

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now