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"Call me when you get Harper settled" Odell said to his best friend.

" yeah I will. See you later dell" demi said grabbing the car seat and baby bag.

Odell ended up getting out the car to help demi since she was struggling.

"You could've asked me to help you" Odell said walking with demi to the door.

" I thought I had it" Demi laughed.

Demi knocked on the door waiting for her boyfriend to answer.

"Could you grab the bag drake" demi asked her boyfriend when he opened the door.

Drake and Odell didn't like each other. Odell knew drake was beating and cheating on his best friend but he didn't understand why she was still mad it's him.

"Thanks dell. I'll text you later" demi said smiling at Odell.

"Ight. Love you" Odell said.

"Love you too" demi said before closing the door.

"I know you ain't just try me in my fucking face" drake said.

"What? He's just my best friend" demi Said.

Drake threw the baby bag at Demi. The baby bag knocked her in the head before hitting the floor.


"Ok, I apologize" demi said picking up the baby bag.

Demi walked down the hall towards her room, Demi started sleeping in her daughter's room when drake kicked her out the room they were suppose to share. She walked in the room closing the door behind. Demi took Harper out the car seat laying her on the bed.

"Hi princess" demi smiled at her daughter.

Harper gave her Mama a big smile showing her gums. Demi striped Harper out her clothes leaving her in her diaper.

"Aye when you done taking her a bath bring her to me" drake said coming inside Demi's room.

"Why? I have to feed her and put her down for bed" demi said not wanting drake with her baby.

"Don't act stupid man" he said before walking out the room.


"Give me my phone!" Demi yelled as she tired to get her phone back.

"Watch out" drake said pushing demi back.

"Take yo ass over there. You don't want me to see what you and that nigga been talking about"he said.

" I don't go threw your shit! You didn't pay for so give it back before you drop it" demi Said.

Drake threw Demi's phone across the room shattering the whole screen. Demi pushed drake, slapping him across the hate. But she ended up on the floor holding her right eye. He didn't care when it came to Demi, he'll hit her like she was some dude on the streets.

"I Fucking hate you!!" Demi yelled as tears fell from her eyes.

"I hate you too bitch but I still put up with yo stupid ass" drake yelled back.

The thing with drake was that he didn't want demi but he also didn't want anyone else with her. So he threaten her, saying he'll kill her if she leave.

"Whatever" demi said getting off the floor going to get her phone.

She was so tired of living like the way she did but she had no family and she couldn't run to Odell because drake was only going to find her and hurt her. Demi went to the kitchen grabbing an ice pack before going to the room, she was so glad that Harper didn't wake up from all that yelling.

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now