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S. 4th

Reese looks at the looming building before him, heart pounding inside his chest and stomach churning with incessant nerves that make his palms sweaty. He swallows with difficulty, still finding it hard to take a deep breath and calm down. He closes his eyes and counts to 10, wondering if he's really willing to start all over again.

Memories of the past year resurface and cross through his mind like a raging storm. It leaves nothing behind except the feelings of hurt, hate, confusion, and deep-rooted sadness bordering depression. He's left drained and tired of those haunting memories. He wants nothing more than to let those memories be just that... memories, buried long ago and in the past.

However, those memories, those scars, are what hold him back now. They're grabbing a hold of his shirt and pulling him back.

He takes a deep breath.

He breaks through that hardship first and cautiously peeks through the glass doors with heart still stuck in his throat.

He's greeted by the sight of rushing students hurrying to class chattering away and complaining about one teacher or the other.

For a moment he wonders if it'll be the same here or worse than before. He wonders if they'll ridicule him if they knew the truth.

He shakes his head from the "what if's" and steels his nerves.  He doesn't need to say anything. He doesn't owe anyone anything.  He can live life here however he wants. No one ever has to know.

So, he gathers his remaining courage and gets over the second hurdle, walking into the school.


M. 25, 2022 A/N: because many cannot be bothered to check the tags and just to give a heads up, this story involves a trans character who identifies as a man hence mpreg (a man becoming pregnant, whatever you're definition of a man is I am not interested, this is my take). If you do not like, please do not read or leave rude comments just keep on browsing.

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