Chapter Two

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S. 21st

Reese looks up in surprise when one of the popular jocks casually takes a seat beside him. The desk next to his is usually left empty. No one ever seems to take the proffered seat, not after having established cliques long before he showed up. But it gives him a sense of privacy, a sense of peace that he gets to be by himself next to the window. It gives him the chance to escape and doze off when the lecture becomes unbearable.

But today is different.

Today he feels trapped.

The desks, though separated to create a small pathway between rows, still feel too close together. Still makes Reese feel crowded, pressed against the radiator with no way to escape. He feels shy and uncomfortable, hoping he can continue being invisible even when there's someone beside him.

He flinches when he hears Anderson, a football player, yell across the room, "Payton!"

Payton simply throws them a cheeky smile, giving the beehive group a light nonchalant shake of his head. Anderson shrugs, turning back to wooing the head of the cheerleaders.

Reese, however, pretends he didn't see the exchange. His shoulders are slumped as he glares at the blank page of his notebook. His hand is clammy, sweaty and cold, as he grabs his pen. His grip is weak and his hand trembles as he writes the date at the top a bit wobbly.

He's self conscious.

He wonders if he's breathing too loud. He even stops breathing for a split second as his body tenses until it hurts. He doesn't dare move, barely blinks.

It's only when the class fills and the teacher finally begins that Reese begins to calm down. He finally breathes, letting the sound of their math instructor wash over him and drown his anxiety. He relaxes bit by bit, losing himself to his thoughts as he jots down a few notes and useless formulas.

He doesn't know why, but he sneaks a peek at the captain of the football team.


He's surprised to see the older teen fast asleep, head of curls resting over crossed arms which are toned from practice. Dark lashes are curved against tanned cheeks as he breathes deeply and evenly. Reese can't help but trace every detail with his eyes, frowning when he catches sight of dark circles from sleepless nights. He's almost tempted to reach out, to brush back a loose curl and feel the warm skin that seems to glow with the sun's rays.

It's not the first time his eyes have strayed to the captain of the football team. Payton has never hurt him. Not physically. He has never pushed him, has never tripped or mocked him.

And still Reese doesn't stop the anger that wells inside his chest. He turns back to the board with a small angry pout, brows furrowed and chest aching because Payton has never hurt him physically nor with his words, but he has never stopped his tormentors either. Payton had always been the bystander, simply watching with an expression of boredom as his so-called friends made fun of the weaker students.

He rolls his eyes and sighs a small huff, trying hard to ignore his rapid heartbeat and heated cheeks.

It isn't until the bell finally rings that he catches a sleepy rough voice say, "You look cute when you're angry."

Reese's eyes widen, his breath hitching as he witnesses Payton pack his belongings and leave with his posse as if he didn't just make Reese's heart skip a beat.

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