Chapter Eighteen

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D. 11th

Payton looks at the ultrasound picture in his hand and he traces the little figure adoringly.

He knows there's a time and place for telling his parents, but frankly he just wants to get  it out of the way.  He doesn't really think his parents deserve the courtesy to have a sit down with him after being absent for most of his life anyway.

So, he calls his parents respectively and drops the bombshell as if he were discussing the weather the second they pick up.

He gets yelled at for being irresponsible and they each promise they're going to have a family meeting. 

He snorts, how funny that now they're interested in his life.

However, true to their word they get out of work for once and meet later that night.

Dinner is... dinner.  It's tense and quiet, the only sound is the clinking of forks scratching against their plate as they eat spaghetti (which he made, for himself).

"How could you be so stupid?" His father finally bellows, caving into his anger.

"It was a happy accident," Payton shrugs nonchalantly, not at all fazed by the old man's rage.

"Payton," his mother bemoans, brows pinched in stress, "You should have known better!"

"I should shouldn't I have, right?  Except my parents weren't always there and from what I remember we never even had 'The Talk'.  My curiosity and my shitty sex ed class were enough to guide me through my teens, so don't come to me trying to say that I should've known better.  Nothing excuses our lack of protection and childish stupidity, but at least we're owning up to our responsibility."

His parents both look rightfully reprimanded and he almost feels satisfied.

He's angry and hurt that they think they can say shit like that to him.  They have no fucking right after choosing work over him.

With a small huff his mother drops her fork and pushes her food away, "You're right.  We weren't always there and I'm sorry, Payton, really.  I wish things could've been differently."

"I think at some point I did too, but not anymore."

If things were different he might not have met Reese, and from all of this, he and their baby are the only good he has.

"So," his father grumbles, "Who is she?"

"He, actually," Payton corrects, shoving some food in his mouth.


A nod.

"Since when are you gay?!" His father growls, face turning red.

"Bisexual if anything," Payton adds after swallowing, "You can be pissed all you want but nothing is going to change the past.  We're keeping the baby by the way.  Right now, my priority is my child and my boyfriend."

They're not too happy.  They might even be slightly furious and frustrated.  But neither will admit how proud they are of their son for stepping up despite the odds. 

So, they do what they do best.

"We're not going to disown you, because for one, that's barbaric and two, you're our son .  This apartment is your home and will always be your home.  You can do as you please here and we'll continue paying rent, but we will not pay for your baby's expenses.  I think it's time you learn how to take care of yourself and the family you're choosing to have.  This means, you need to get a job to provide for your boyfriend and your baby," his father grumbles.

"While balancing school work," his mother adds, "I want you to finish school, both of you should, and I want you to go to college after graduation even if it's community college to start off your degree in business."

He nods, "okay."

And that's that.

They don't say anything else.

But when he catches his mother staring at the ultrasound picture he taped up on the fridge, he swears he sees a small smile.

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