Chapter Fifteen

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N. 2nd

After the horrible football game, they're in Payton's bed sharing languid kisses that slowly become more passionate and filled with hunger and need.  They're panting harshly, breaths mingling together, and hands exploring each other's bodies.  It's all too much and still not enough.

There's a niggling doubt in the back of Reese's mind, still nervous but wanting more, needing more.

He moans, arching into the jock's touch and whimpering when deft fingers help relieve the pressure of his binder.

And there's that doubt again.

That fear whispering in his ear.

Payton leans down and trails kisses down his jaw and toward his neck, biting and bruising the pale flesh.  He cups one of Reese's small breast, kneading it and toying with the small bud of his nipple until it's erect.  It's a sensation the younger can't quite describe.  It's odd and sexual and he's almost sensitive to the touch, but it feels so good he can't help the whimper that falls from his swollen lips.

But all too soon, Payton stops.  The jock pulls his hands away and looks into Reese's honeyed eyes, pupils blown wide in arousal.

"Do you want to?" He asks nervously.

Reese's breath hitches, "what?"

"Do you want to... you know... have sex?"

The younger boy bites his lip, the tips of his ears turning red, "I've never... I don't even..."

"It's okay," Payton assures, "I'll be gentle and I'll stop if you want me to.  Hell, we don't even have to if you don't want to."

"I do," Reese whispers embarrassed, "I want to."

He closes his legs tightly, his sex aching with need and want, but for so long he's denied that part of himself and he's terrified.

"I'm just scared," he admits softly, "I've... played with myself before, but every time... afterwards I've always felt wrong... Like I shouldn't have."

"Your sex doesn't and shouldn't define who you are, you are you and I love you for that," Payton assures vehemently.

"I know... But it's weird... being aroused and feeling dysphoria towards parts of your body.  I just... I don't want to feel like that, and I'm scared I will because I love you and I don't want to ruin this."

"I love you too, baby boy," Payton says, "and I'll do everything I can to make you feel good, so good that all you'll can think about is my name.  You're gorgeous and so fucking handsome and I need you to know that.  I need you to know that it's okay to feel how you feel and that you won't ruin anything.  I want your comfort and above all else, I want you to be sure."

Reese closes his eyes and breathes, clearing his mind for a brief moment, "okay."


"Yes," he nods, giving his consent.

They undress.

And they're a little awkward and shy, but those hands are back on his body and Reese melts.

He turns into absolute putty.

Payton carefully lays him on the bed, reaching for some lube from the bedside table. He uses the lube to slick up his fingers and part the glistening folds that hide Reese's very core.

Reese covers his face in slight mortification, grimacing at the odd feeling of two fingers inside of him as he parts his thighs for the older teen.

Payton is slow and patient though.  He pumps his fingers and scissors them until he stretches the younger boy enough to add a third.  And Reese can't help but wriggle about, nearly choking on air when Payton's thumb rubs his rosy clit.

"Fuck," he gasps.

A throaty chuckle rumbles from Payton's chest, "like that?"

Reese nods, squeezing around the thick fingers inside his slick pussy greedily.  It's too much.

"Payton," he cries.

"It's okay, sweetheart, I've got you."

He slicks his erection and fumbles a bit as he aligns himself with the boy's aching little hole begging to be stuffed.

And sliding into the tight heat that's Reese is like a punch to the stomach, all air rushes out of him as he finally slips inside inch by torturous inch. 

Blunt nails rake across his back as he crushes wide hips in his bruising hold.


He's panting breathlessly against Reese's shoulder, trying hard to compose himself as he sits fully sheathed inside Reese.

It's overwhelming and hot and absolutely amazing.

He looks at Reese's flushed face, bright eyes screwed shut.  He smooths away the frown and kisses the boy's forehead, beads of sweats covering their bodies.

"Move," Reese orders huskily, "please."

Payton obeys, pulling out slowly before setting a rhythm that works for them.

It's soft and slow and fuck... just-

"I love you," Payton whispers.

A tear escapes Reese's beautiful eyes as he croaks a weak, "I love you too."

Payton pistons his hips, thrusting hard and fast until the bed creaks.

He suckles on a nipple while he plays with the other, giving both his attention.  He leaves hickies and bites on the soft tissue of Reese's breasts, the boy sobbing at the feel.

"So good, so beautiful and gorgeous and fucking handsome," Payton grunts.

"More," Reese begs, "harder."

And it's almost like he can't breathe.  The stimulation is too much, Payton's heavy weight atop of him, his fingers teasing his sensitive clit, warm lips on his skin, cock buried deep inside--

Reese's body tenses.

His orgasm takes him by surprise as he tightens around the thick length fucking into him.

"Payton," he mewls, "Payton, please."

He doesn't know what he's begging for.

Simply knows that his body is wracked with pleasure, thighs trembling in overstimulation.

Payton tries to focus, chasing his own orgasm and pulling out his weeping cock at the brink of it only to spill atop of Reese's quivering belly.

They're breathless and just a bit exhausted.

He can't help but nuzzle the boy's neck, kissing a particularly bad bite mark he might have left. He feels content and completely satisfied, loving how weak Reese is, how out of it the boy seems to be as he comes down from his high.

"Are you okay?" He manages to ask.

Reese nods, eyes half lidded with exhaustion as he mumbles a sleepy, "was good."

Payton chortles, "yeah, it was."

"Thank you," Reese smiles doopily.

"Nothing to thank me for, baby boy," Payton grins.

He falls onto the bed beside Reese and pulls the boy closer.  They're sticky and gross but they bask in the afterglow of their orgasm, their flushed bodies pressed together.

Reese rests his head on the jock's chest, falling asleep to the feel of fingers gently rubbing his lower back and the swell of his ass. 

His sex slightly tingles and he knows he'll still feel Payton when he wakes up.

And he's okay with that.

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