Chapter Four

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S. 25th

"Why are you always quiet?"

Reese jumps in surprise at the voice suddenly beside him.  He looks up at Payton with wide eyes, mind filled with confusion as the jock takes a seat next to him.  Payton, however, isn't looking at him.  The jock is too busy pulling out his binder and pen, but his words are clearly directed at Reese.

"What?" The younger croaks weakly.

And it's only then that Payton looks at him, his own eyes reflecting surprise, "You speak?"

Reese's cheeks color a rosy hue at that and his eyes fall on his desk as he tries to shrink in on himself.

Payton seems to recover from his mild shock as he coughs to clear his throat and begins rambling, "Sorry, it's just... you never talk.  I don't think I've ever heard you... You have a nice voice."

Feeling slightly overwhelmed, Reese manages a small nod, "thank you."

"Is anyone sitting here?"

Reese stares at Payton.

It's only courtesy, Reese supposes, considering Payton already set up.

So, Reese says the only thing that comes to mind, "Just you."

Payton stares at his belongings for a moment, realizing belatedly how stupid he must seem, "Right, sorry just kind of out of it... a bit tired."

"It's.. okay," Reese assures, "it's fine."

"Name's Payton," the jock introduces awkwardly then, hoping to keep the conversation going.

Reese hides the fact that he already knows.  He's known since the first week he began attending NPHS.  Everyone knows who Payton is. 

"I-I'm Reese," he finally says.

"Reese, nice name."

"Likewise," the younger mumbles shyly.

"So.. Do you mind if I sit next to you?"

Reese shakes his head, vaguely gesturing in a way that reads 'go ahead'.

And before Payton can say anything, their teacher strides in.  The man is tall, skin dark and smooth, face marred with laugh lines and slightly balding.  He looks good for his age, but his eyes are those of someone who doesn't take nonsense.  He's a great teacher and tutor, but strict to no end.

"Good morning class-"

And thus lecture begins.

But Payton can't concentrate.

He can't even fall asleep and take a nap.

He's solely focused on Reese, the younger boy looking just as bored and randomly scribbling in his notebook.  He looks a bit tired, an occasional yawn escaping him here or there.

And his eyes, light as honey, are slightly dull.

Payton swallows thickly and bites his bottom lip.

He's curious, so damn curious about the boy.  Still, he feels guilty.  He shouldn't have agreed to this stupid dare.  He knows he'll only end up hurting Reese.  But he can't help his curiosity.  He's almost desperate to know more about him, just like the rest of the school.

So what if he lost?

So what if his dare is to make Reese open up?

He knows he would've approached Reese regardless.

Sooner or later, Reese would've been his.

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