Chapter Twelve

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O. 19th

With their projects behind them now, Payton gets nervous and jittery.  They still spend time together, their oh-so-wonderful teacher having assigned yet another project for the end of the school year about words and descriptions.

But the thing is, he already knows Reese and he wants to spend time as more than just English partners.

He just doesn't know what to do or how to say what he wants to say. He sucks it up though and just goes for it on Friday during study hall.

"Do you want to come to the football game and you know... sleep over my place afterwards?"

Reese hums, "Yeah sure."


He doesn't think Reese knows what he's agreed to because the younger boy stares at him with wide eyes after he's processed what the jock just asked, "wait what?"

"Do you want to come over and you know... stay the night?"

Reese looks like a fish out of water before snapping his mouth shut.

This time around it's a bit more shaky and reluctant but he still agrees nonetheless, "sure just lemme ask my mum."

"Really?" Payton asks in slight disbelief.

"I... Uh yeah," he smiles shyly.

"Are you sure, I mean the guys were being really stupid and mean ," the jock mumbles.

"I'll be cheering for you, not them," Reese says, cheeks heating up.

Payton grins at that, his smile bright with a small dimple showing as his eyes light up.

Reese hides his face in the jock's chest when Payton pulls him closer, "Thank you."

"I can't believe I just said that," Reese mumbles in utter embarrassment.

"I think it was cute," Payton shrugs, "and encouraging. I'll do my fucking best to win for sure."

"It's not just you playing," Reese snorts softly.

"Might as well be," the jock grins cockily, "I got this."

"Just in case you lose, I'll be there to pick up the pieces," Reese snickers.

"With pizza and soda?"

"Yeah, with pizza and soda."


Reese stands in the crowd watching enraptured as the game starts. His eyes never leaving number 62.

He isn't much of a football fan or a fan of sports. He only knows that whenever the Canucks score, he cheers. His smile is wide as he watches Payton play and he can just picture how sweaty the jock is underneath that uniform.

He stops his inappropriate thoughts, shouting when the game finally ends and the Canucks win. The crowd goes wild, the colorful white and maroon side celebrating while the white and red groan in disappointment.

He's on his toes eagerly waiting to see Payton as the players shake hands. Payton takes off his helmet, revealing curly hair sweat slick and sticking to his forehead. He's talking to a few of his team members, smiling proudly as they high-five. He looks gorgeous like that, happy and content and proud.

His chest is puffed out and their eyes lock from across the field.

Payton waves at him and he waves back, rushing down the stairs of the bleachers. He sprints toward the locker room where the football team is heading to change and waits outside.

It takes a while, maybe half an hour before he finally sees Payton again.

"Congratulations!" Reese yells giddily as soon as he sees the captain.

Payton catches the younger boy easily, his bag falling to the tiled floor as he hold onto Reese's lithe body, "Thank you."

"You were amazing," the younger continues, gushing about how awesome that was.

"I never pegged you for a sports person," Payton chuckles.

"I'm not," Reese admits, "but you were mind-boggling."

Payton laughs, pushing back his wet curls from his face revealing his brilliant coffee brown eyes. He picks up his back and grabs a hold of Reese's hand.

They giggle as they walk to Payton's, talking about the game and parts Reese didn't understand. It's easy and light to just talk to one another about anything and everything.

When they finally arrive, the older teen pulls out his keys and swipes a card at the entrance before going to the 4th floor. His keys clink together, opening the door and stepping aside to let Reese in.

Reese stares amazed at the place. The apartment is big and spotless, really breathtaking and not at all like his home.

"You can out your stuff down anywhere," Payton says, demonstrating by tossing his own gym bag over the couch.

"Where are your parents?" Reese asks, noticing their absence.

Payton shrugs, "Working. I rarely see them to be honest. I think we see each other maybe once a week and only for 'family time' which is a bunch of bullshit if I do say so myself."

Reese frowns.

Payton notices, "But it's alright, I prefer my space and they're always busy so it works out perfectly."

"Don't you get lonely?" The boy asks with a tilt of his head.

"Sometimes," the jock shrugs, "come on, you wanna order or do you want to make something?"

The question effectively distracts Reese.

"You can cook?"

"There's a lot I can do," Payton winks.

"I uh... order pizza maybe?" Reese stammers.

They order a large pizza and fill their glasses with cherry flavored Pepsi. They polish their plates until they're full and satisfied while they watch a silly horror movie completely unrealistic on the couch turned bed.

At the end, Reese excuses himself and sneaks to the bathroom to change from his jeans and tee to his comfy pjs. He slips on some sweats and stares at his reflection. His eyes land on his chest, fingers tracing the edge of the binder. He debates on taking it off. But he's still scared, still doesn't have the courage to tell Payton the truth.

It's beginning to hurt and he can't really breathe properly. It's uncomfortable and tight, but he just can't take it off. Biting his lip, he grabs his clean shirt and slips it on. He can sleep with his binder on right? Just for one night?

He steps out the bathroom and joins Payton on the couch-bed-thingy.

He can't get comfortable and he stares into space for a while, both playing 21 questions until eventually, he manages to doze off.

Payton reaches for a blanket and covers Reese, keeping the younger teen warm even as he wraps his arm around his waist.

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