Chapter Fourteen

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N. 2nd

They're in the back of the library for study hall, both working on their calculus homework as they hold hands underneath the table. On more than one occasion does Payton sneak a glance of his boyfriend. Reese is doing that thing where he has the tip of his tongue sticking out as he furrows his brow in concentration, scribbling on the margins of his paper.

It's been about half a month since they began dating, since they became "official". And although they keep it to themselves, like nothing has changed, everything is different. Payton finds himself more attuned to Reese, always aware of the younger's presence. They've even gone out on silly little dates. They've eaten ice cream despite the chilling weather, they've gone to the movies, and even the park to play on the swings like children as they watch the falling leaves.

Just watching Reese reminds Payton of the day before, how the younger had a mess of leaves sticking out of his wind-blown hair. The image engraved in his mind and saved as his home screen.

"What is it?" Reese asks timidly.


"You're staring," he points out.

"Oh... oh!" Payton blushes, "sorry I just... your so... I can't concentrate."

Reese blushes softly at the jumbled explanation with a small smile on his plump lips, "here."

Payton takes the paper and looks over at the calculations, trying hard to focus as he reviews the answers, checking all of them to make sure they're right.

"You're coming tonight, right?" He asks after a minute.

"What's tonight?" Reese asks innocently.

The pen Payton was holding to correct the worksheet falls from his grasps and the look on his face can only be described as one of a dejected man.

Reese snorts, "I'm kidding!"

Payton pouts, "You're so mean."

"I'd never forget to cheer you on against SPHS," Reese assures.

But the pout doesn't leave the jock.

Reese smiles with a roll of his eyes and presses a kiss to his cheek, "Do your homework so we can have the rest of the day off."

However, Payton shakes his head and refuses to continue, not until Reese gives him a shy kiss on the lips.

"Better?" He mumbles timidly.

"Mm, much," the jock agrees, giving the boy his papers back and stealing one last kiss before he can protest.


Just before the game, Payton is changing in the boy's locker room when he gets cornered by Anderson and his posse. He doesn't pay them any mind and simply grabs his helmet after tying his shoes. But Anderson doesn't let him through. Not yet.

"So, you figure out the little fagot's secret? Like why he moved here and shit?"

"No," Payton grits impatiently, "now get out my way."

"What the fuck man? This isn't the first time you fuck with someone," the jock huffs, "What gives?"

"What gives is that I'm done doing this bullshit. Stop bothering Reese, stop messing with him and stop bullying him," Payton demands.

"Or else what?" Anderson's back-up questions.

"Or else I'll make sure you regret ever hurting him again."

Payton slams his locker hard, the sound echoing through the room and capturing everyone's attention. He walls past Anderson, making sure his shoulder collides with the stupid airhead of a bully.

But this only seems to anger him more, "You're not the boss of us Parker! We'll do whatever the fuck we want and that brat is going down, we'll expose her for the tranny she is."

Payton wants to stop, to turn around and punch the asshole in the face and break his nose. But he doesn't. He takes a deep breath and continues out onto the field. Like hell is he going to let a jackass ruin his night, let him hurt his boyfriend again.

Out on the field, tension runs high and everyone is on their toes as the game starts off.

He searches for Reese in the crowds and finds the boy with a wide smile, looking tiny in Payton's too-big hoodie. He takes his strength from the smaller boy, from his pillar.

And for two and a half hours, he doesn't let Anderson and his goons touch the ball.

They lose.

But Payton already knew that was the outcome, especially when a few of his teammates caught onto what he was up to.

Needless to say, Anderson was pissed.

"What the FUCK Parker!" He rages, stomping in front of Payton and poking his finger into the captain's chest.

Payton brings himself to his full height, eyes narrowing into dangerous slits, "This is a warning. I don't need to fight you to ruin everything you've built for yourself. So, take my words to heart, next time you even say Reese's name, I'll fucking end your football career and you can say goodbye to ever getting a scholarship for whatever stupid college decides to accept you. Ever hurt him and I'll break your face, got that you dickhead?"

He marches off leaving Anderson fuming.

He doesn't care though, and he ignores him as he shakes hands with the opposing team's captain, a forced smile on his face throughout the exchange.

All he wants is to be with Reese, to hold him close and never let him go.

Reese, who waits for him impatiently at the entrance of the boy's locker room. His Reese.

"Hey," the younger greets, voice small and cautious.

Payton grabs his bag without bothering to shower or even change. He's still mad, still pissed at everything they've said and done to Reese. He's angry that he didn't put a stop to it sooner.

"Are you okay?" His angel asks softly.

Payton comes to his senses and shakes his head, frowning as he wraps his arms around Reese without so much as a word. He buries his face in the boy's neck and takes a deep breath, willing himself to calm down.

Reese hugs him back, holds him close, "I'm sorry you lost."

Payton snorts, "I'm not."

"Hm, really? Why?"

"'Cause I'm still a winner."

"How so?" Reese asks.

"I still got you."

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