Chapter Twenty Three

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J. 7th

"Is that him?" His mother asks.

Payton is more than surprised to see his parents home, but when he sees who they're looking at, he can't help but give a proud little nod, "Yeah."

Reese is curled up on the couch fast asleep, in Payton's jersey with homework scattered around him and an ultrasound picture clutched to his chest.

He no longer wears a binder, the pressure has become too much to bear on his filling breasts these past few days and some of his clothes are even beginning to feel a bit snug around his hips and belly too.

He always feels tired nowadays, barely staying awake in their classes (which resumed less than a week ago) and the nausea isn't that bad, although some days are worse than others.

And today he's completely exhausted.

Just an hour ago they had their second doctor's appointment and it was more surreal than the first time because this time around, they heard their baby's heartbeat.

At almost ten weeks, they're baby is as big as a strawberry and their heartbeat is loud and strong and it sounds absolutely amazing. It had brought tears to their eyes, witnessing their little sweet pea wiggle about.  It was all overwhelmingly breathtaking.

"Is this...?" The woman trails off, her eyes landing on the picture.

Payton nods again and nonchalantly answers, "that's your grandchild."

Those words seem to bring tears to her eyes and he has never been more glad that she is his mother despite their differences. Payton hands her a copy, figuring that she'd want one for her office. He gives one to his father and the man takes it with a grunt, barely even glancing at it before he disappears to the bedroom to change.

"We're sorry we couldn't make it for Christmas or New Year's," she says.

"I'm used to it," Payton shrugs, it's not like it's the first time they've done this.

But this year he wasn't alone, he had his little family with him and he's so thankful for that.

"Payton," she sighs, "we promise to work harder in order to spend more time with you and him, especially when our grandchild is born."

"Last time I heard that promise I was 14 and you didn't even think of calling to check up on me. I stayed up all night Christmas Eve waiting for you until I couldn't stay awake anymore. But of course I'll believe you now, right?  I'm sure you'll keep your promise this time," Payton retorts, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

His mother looks almost physically pained, but he's not going to make this easy.

So, a bit bitterly he says, "don't make promises you can't keep, not to me and certainly not to Reese or our child."

A small whine draws their attention as Reese fumbles about.  He sits up completely dazed and tired, his body aches and belly hurts just a bit.  The doctor said that would happen, especially as the baby gets bigger and bigger so he's not too worried.

"Hey there sleeping beauty," Payton smiles, approaching the couch and kissing his cheek.

"Hi," Reese croaks.

The younger teen looks around the living room and finds an unfamiliar woman staring at him.  In his opinion, there's only one word to describe her.  Elegant.

Her hair is a light chestnut color pulled tightly back into a secured bun with a few flyaways sticking out.  Her face is framed by black squared glasses, brows done neatly and make up flawless.  She looks professional, if a little weary and tired.

And Payton looks reluctant but introduces her anyway, "Reese, this is mother.  Mother, this is Reese, my boyfriend."

She offers Reese a warm smile as she sticks out her hand in a handshake.  He gives into the gesture and finds her soft hand firm.  He swears his arm is almost ripped off its socket.

"Hello," she greets, "I'm Mrs. Parker, but you can call me Emma."

"Uh, hello Mrs- I mean- Emma," Reese corrects, "I'm Reese Rivera."

"It's so good to finally meet you," she says.

Reese nods a bit uncomfortable and mumbles to himself, "I thought we were going to meet during the holidays."

But she must have heard him because her expression becomes regretful and dejected.  She's ashamed of the kind of impression they've already left on the younger boy that's become part of their family.  What does he think of them?

"I'm sorry for not joining you for the holidays," she apologizes sincerely, "the hospital got incredibly busy and the snow storm only made it worse.  My husband's office also got swarmed with work after everyone took off."

Reese stares at her, not knowing what to say.  He's not exactly happy.  He saw how much it affected Payton and how down he was no matter how much the older teen feigned.  Reese feels angry on Payton's behalf and all the neglect he had to deal with, all the lonely nights and cold dinners by himself.  It pisses him off to think of a little Payton staying up late hoping to have a normal family dinner only to be deprived of his parents.

Tears well up in his eyes, tears of anger.  But he bites it back because he's not rude, but he doesn't offer the woman any comfort either.

By the end of the night he's met Emma and Elijah (her husband and Payton's father) for a total of 30 minutes before they're off again to their respective jobs.

And Reese finds that kind of lonely and sad.  They don't even seem to spend time with each other.  They're as cold as the iceberg that sank the titanic.

He turns to face Payton and wraps the older teen in his arms, "Are you okay?"

Payton lies just as he's been lying to himself all these years, "yeah, I'm okay.  I'm used to it."

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