Chapter Twenty Four

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F. 11th

Reese notices something's wrong a month after returning to school. 

He's resorted to wearing big hoodies to hide the curves he wishes he didn't have, but he finds that people still stare.

After returning from break, things have gone from bad to worse.

He hears the new rumors about him everyday and he tries not to let them get to him.  He really does.

But he hears Anderson sneer behind his back, saying how they heard he was kicked out of his house and disowned because he spread his thighs.  Someone had claimed they saw him leave with a bag of clothes and his school things, and of course with nothing better to do, it's spread like wildfire.

He's only glad Payton isn't caught in the middle.

No one knows exactly where Payton lives, so when they saw him enter the rather expensive looking building another story was spun.  Rumor has it he's with a college student and he's dying of AIDS because he's a slut.  They're even placing bets on when his so-called boyfriend will dump him.

And despite all the hurtful things said about him, he doesn't say anything back.  He doesn't even bother to correct them, because the last thing he wants is for everyone to turn on Payton and start giving him shit.  So, he quietly takes the brunt of it and lets it roll off his back.

It doesn't bother him as much, because he knows the truth.  The truth is so much better and so much purer than what they believe in.  It's growing inside him every day, moving and fluttering like a little butterfly.  His baby is his truth and his pillar, much like Payton.  So, he stays strong or as strong as can be.

And he tries to protect Payton from Anderson's lies and hate.

Except, Payton has been acting different.

And Reese is slowly giving into a deep rooted sadness.

They spend time together at school and Reese has even joined him in the "football table" for lunch.  Everyone thinks they're just friends.  And despite the horrible rumors, he's even managed to make friends with a cute curly haired football player named Benjamin (Benji for short).  They've hit it off and Benji stands up for him whenever he hears Anderson's annoying voice.

But that's not the problem.

The problem is after school because Payton is... cold.

He's distant and leaves home after barely being there for five minutes.  He's always in a rush and doesn't even do his homework.

Reese doesn't pry though, he's not clingy and understands Payton needs time to himself sometimes. 

But most nights, he waits for Payton only for the older teen to arrive late into the night, sometimes at two in the morning.

Payton always checks up on him, texts him and occasionally calls to say he'll be home late.  Reese, however, still waits for him.  He cooks dinner for two and bears the pain of cut fingers and burn marks, only for their dinner to turn cold and stale because when Payton does arrive, the teen is usually too tired to eat.

Reese notices.  He notices what Payton fails to see.

He's losing weight.

He's failing classes.

He's falling behind.

And he doesn't say a word.

Reese doesn't know where he goes to and he's getting worried.

Until one day, he snaps.

It's 2:23 in the morning when Payton decides to arrive home.

Reese has his arms crossed over his chest, Payton's shirt snug around his belly as he taps his foot impatiently.

Payton doesn't even see him.

The older teen undresses and makes to head to the bathroom until Reese stops him with a hand closing the door.

"Hey," Payton says tiredly, dark bags under his eyes.

"Don't hey me," Reese grits.

"What's wrong?" The jock asks, voice nasally and raspy.

"What's wrong is that you're never home."

Payton sighs at this and it irks Reese.

"I'm tired, can we talk about this in the morni-"

"No," Reese cuts him off with a shove, "if you check your fucking phone you'll notice it is morning."

Payton glares, "What the fuck, Reese."

And Reese glares right back, "You're never home, you're acting like a dick, and you-you-"

Payton stares at the younger boy as he fumes and stews in anger, face turning red.

"You don't even do your school work, you're failing in your classes and... and you're missing something great."

Payton tilts his head, his foggy mind clearing as he takes in the picture of his distressed boyfriend.  Reese's hand is cupping the swell of his belly, something he swears wasn't there yesterday.

He stares in awe, "when did you start showing?"

Reese sniffles, "this, this, is what I mean.  You're never home, you're always late and you're so tired you look like death.  I might be acting bitchy and hormonal but I'm just worried about you.  You're losing weight, Payton, because you never eat."

The little crack in Reese's voice and the tears that roll down his cheeks snaps Payton into reality.  He's fucked up.

"Hey, hey, baby," he coos, hands cupping his cheeks and wiping away his tears, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Reese."

"You're never home and I miss you," he hiccups.

Payton hugs him tightly, ignoring the light headedness that clouds his vision for a split second.

"I'm sorry," he whispers soothingly, "I'm so sorry, fuck Reese, I fucked up. And no you're not bitchy, you're tired and sore and growing another person inside of you.  You're entitled to be hormonal and worried and scared.  I'm sorry I wasn't here these past few weeks, I'm sorry I was a ghost."

Reese buries his face in the crook of Payton's neck, arms wrapped around his shoulders and belly pressed against the jock's.

"I can't believe I was missing this," Payton says.

Reese pulls back, "You were missing a lot."

It's then Payton checks his phone and realizes he literally was.  He has two missed calls, six text messages, and a reminder set off.  All have gone ignored.

"Your doctor's appointment," he laments.

"I didn't go," Reese responds.

"What?  Why? You should've gone, fuck, Reese, I'm sorry!"

"I'm still angry," Reese sniffs softly, "but I'm also tired and I know you are too."

Reese leads Payton to bed, ready to crawl under and fall asleep only to have the jock stop him.

"Reese, I'm sorry," he repeats.

"I know," Reese sighs, "come 'ere."

Once settled, he opens his arms for Payton and let's the teen hold him close and tight until he falls asleep atop Reese's chest, hand splayed on his baby bump.

But Reese doesn't fall asleep just yet.

He studies Payton's greyish pallor.  He notices how he has difficulty breathing and coughs uncontrollably, how he shivers and trembles despite the thick comforter covering the both of them.

He brushes away unruly hair and kisses Payton's warm forehead, frowning at the small sound of discomfort.

He sighs deeply, "What have you been doing Payton?"

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