Chapter Twenty One

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D. 20th

Payton doesn't have the heart to wake him up, but as soon as he gets out of bed Reese is peering at him through tired bleary eyes, the blanket hiding half his chubby face slipping off.

"Good morning, baby," Payton greets when he feels a tug on his shirt.

"Morning," Reese mumbles, carefully sitting up.

Reese looks so adorable with hair wild and messy from sleep, cheeks rosy and eyes half lidded. His clothes are rumpled and skewed, shirt riding up just so and it's almost too distracting for Payton.

He coughs a bit to snap out of it, and rubs the nape of his neck.

Reese doesn't notice and if he does, he doesn't say anything (the little tease).

"So," Payton begins, "do you want to go to school or would you rather stay home?  I know you still feel emotionally and physically drained."

Reese does that little thing with his tongue when he's thinking before sighing his answer, "I think I'm gonna go, I don't wanna stay alone."

Payton nods, reaching for a clean shirt to change.

Reese tries to get up, ready to slip off of the bed, only to be overwhelmed by the sense of nausea.

He ends up scrambling out from under the covers before rushing toward the bathroom where he just manages to throw up until he dry heaves.

Payton follows right behind him in concern, dropping to his knees and gently rubbing Reese's lower back as the younger teen leans over the bowl and gags.

When he's finally done, Reese is left breathless and panting and Payton reaches out to flush the toilet.

"Can you stand?" Payton asks worriedly.

The color is completely gone from Reese's face, a thin sheen of sweat covers his brow and his body trembles from the effort it just went through.

He struggles to get up, but somehow manages. He uses Payton's arm for support and after brushing their teeth, they head back to the room where they change for school.

And when all's said and done, Payton offers Reese breakfast, but the younger teen refuses with a wrinkle of his nose.

"Alright," Payton chuckles, kissing the top of his head, "are you ready?"

"Yeah, as I'll ever be."


A/N: Kind of (really) short, but sweet.

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