Chapter Thirty

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J. 21st

Reese is uncomfortable.

It's the only word to describe how he feels being 33 weeks pregnant.  Everything hurts and it's hard to breath properly, similar to when he was wearing a binder but different because the pressure is lower.

His breasts are swollen.  They're sore and feels heavy.  He's generally always sore and cranky and tired though, because the baby won't let him sleep and he has to pee 24/7.  He's a bit of a mess.

He's also half asleep as they rehearse for graduation and the June heat isn't helping.

He feels like he's suffocating.

"You okay?" Payton asks.

"I'm tired," Reese mutters, breathing through a sharp pain gripping his swollen belly.

It's been going on and off for the better half of the morning but he chalks it up to simple Braxton Hicks.  They suck.

"You look a little pale," Payton comments concerned.

"I'm also a little hot," Reese snaps, fanning himself to no avail.

Payton frowns.

Reese has definitely been more cranky, but today in particular has been really bad.  He watches as the younger places his hands against his lower back to relieve the pressure, making his belly stick out even further.  His hair is a mess and he's sweating, a permanent grimace on his face.

"Payton Parker!"

Payton looks up as his name is called and he's forced to leave Reese alone as he gets his fake diploma.  He shakes the principal's hand and the person who hands him the flimsy scroll of paper before walking off the stage.

His eyes search for Reese and he immediately finds him with his eyes closed shut and face scrunched in pain.

"Reese Rivera!"

One of the cheerleaders has to tap him on the shoulder to grasp his attention when his name is finally called.

His gait is slow and heavy and it's clear that he's not okay.

When he's off the stage the staff even offer him water and a seat.  So, he's not the only one who's noticed.

As the day progresses things seem to get worse.

Reese is irritable when they get home to change into white dress shirts and nice pants with shiny shoes.

Payton ties the leather laces for him, and helps zip up his maroon gown before placing the cap on his head.

"You okay?" He asks again.

"'m fine," Reese lies through his teeth, "let's just get this over with."

Payton is more than pleased to see his parents waiting for them.  They've been keeping their promise.  They're home more often and they spend more time getting to know them both.  It was weird and awkward at first, Payton was (is) still bitter, but he's opened up some.  Only because Reese insisted.  Reese knows what it feels like to lose his parents, he doesn't want Payton to go through that either, so he encourages him to fix what's not yet broken.

"You both look so handsome," his mother coos.

Payton's cheeks flush, as he gives her a loose hug, "thanks."

His father gives him an awkward pat on the back in pride before the man and Emma turn to hug Reese.

"Are you okay, Reese?" His mother asks.

"Just peachy," Reese replies.

But there's something in the way his voice hitches, the way he holds himself, that screams otherwise.

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