Chapter Twenty Six

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F. 14th

Payton groans, eyes heavy and head stuffed with cotton.  The first thing he feels is a warm body pressed against his and when he looks down, he finds Reese fast asleep curled up against him.  He can't help but smile at the sight, his baby boy snoring softly and completely at ease, vulnerable.  His arm wraps around Reese and it's then he feels a sharp tug in his arm.  He looks down with furrowed brows when he spots the IV stuck in his arm.

He finally looks around and finds his surroundings unfamiliar.  The light is dim but even then he can make out the shape of the room, of the hospital room.

"Shit," he groans, thudding his head against the pillow.

He looks back at Reese and only now notices a small hospital mask covering his nose and mouth.  He squints at the white board across the room quickly, across it is scribbled the date.

February 14th.

Fuck!  He's been out for two day!

Reese snuffles sleepily, huffing tiredly as his eyes flutter open.

"Hey," he rasps.

Payton croaks in a panic, "Reese, fuck baby boy, I'm so sorry, I-"

Reese shuts him up with a small kiss to the lips through the thin material of the mask, effectively stopping his blabbering, "hush, it's okay."

"You just... Reese! I'm sick, you can't just kiss me like that.  You can get sick and-"

"I'm okay," Reese assures, pulling off the mask, "We're okay."

Payton sighs deeply, asking, "what happened?"

"You have pneumonia," Reese answers, "and you suddenly collapsed, scaring me half to death."


"Started as a cold but it got worse," Reese explains.

"I'm sorry," Payton apologizes.

"What for?" Reese asks with a small tilt to his head, "I should be apologizing to you.  You... You were working so hard for us, and all I did was yell at you and... and fuck."

Payton's heart clenches at the sight of his precious boy crying, tears welling in his tired eyes and spilling down his cheeks, "hey, hey it's okay.  Shh, don't cry, sweetheart."

"Yo-You wouldn't wake up," Reese shudders, shoulders shaking, "and I was so terrified."

"Hey," Payton whispers, "I'm okay, don't cry.  I'm right here."

He presses a kiss to Reese's forehead, gently placing the mask over his face before kissing his lips through the surgical mask next.

Reese sniffles, "I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"You shouldn't apologize.  You were right, sweetheart.  I wasn't thinking about myself and I was slowly killing myself without even realizing it," Payton exhales, "And I'm so mad with myself, so angry.  I did the one thing I promised to myself that I wouldn't do.  I became my parents and put work before all else.  I ignored you, neglected you, and left you so alone.  And fuck, that's the one thing I said I would never do.  I never wanted you to feel like I felt.  Our baby isn't even born yet and I already failed."

Reese snivels, "You didn't fail me or our baby.  You were doing your best to provide for us, to care for us in your own way.  It hurt and it made me angry when I found out your father was exploiting you, but I'm not... I'm not angry at you.  I'm just... I was just so worried about you, so scared and then you just collapsed and it was terrifying."

"I promise I won't do that again.  I promise, Reese, to you and our child."

Payton's large hand cups the younger's small baby bump, still in awe that Reese is actually showing, "I missed so much."

Reese snuggles against him, "We'll make up for it."

They talk for an hour, Reese finally succumbing to sleep around 12: 02 AM.

Payton doesn't sleep just yet.  He's tired of sleeping and he's perfectly content with watching the rise and fall of Reese's chest.

A soft knock on the door grasps his attention and his mother steps inside.

She offers him a small smile as she asks, "how are you feeling?"

Payton shrugs, "better, I guess."

She administers another dose of antibiotics through his IV, her gaze falling on Reese.

"He's given the nurses a battle," she chuckles, "wouldn't leave your side for anything in the world.  Your father had to give him his coat because he refused to go home and change."

Payton nods, not really knowing how to reply.  The awkward silence fills the tension between them, making her sigh.

She pats his leg before leaving, saying that his father wants a word.

And he steels his nerves, ready to confront his old man.

"I'm glad to see you awake," Elijah says in lieu of greeting.

"I'm quitting," Payton states.

The man stares in surprise, "excuse me?"

"I've been doing what you've done throughout all my life and I'm done.  I refuse to continue hurting Reese like that.  He and our baby are my priority, they should've been my priory all along, and I'm done putting your bank and your offer before my family.  So, I'm quitting.  I'll find another place to work in, I'll figure out how to survive for them because I don't want to be your puppet anymore."

And before his father can answer or argue, Payton adds, "I know Emma said you wanted to speak to me, but I'm done talking, Mr. Parker.  Now if you could please leave, I'd appreciate it.  I'm tired and so are they."

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