Chapter Twenty Nine

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A. 26th

After the incident a month ago, Reese has been more cautious.  There was an announcement that violence and bullying against any student is prohibited and although the snickers and whispers continue, they're less than before.

However, due to the little stunt Payton and Anderson pulled, both were suspended for three days from school.  They even had to write an apology letter, not only to each other, but to Reese as well.

He had giggled as Payton read it to him with his deepest most ridiculous "sincere" apologetic voice back in the comfort of their home.

It was comical, but a painful reminder of what could've happened that day.

So, since then, Payton has been extra careful.  He keeps an eye on Reese and the baby, making sure both of them are alright and safe from any danger.  He's become a complete mother hen.  It should annoy Reese, and at times it does, but it's also endearing.

And at 26 weeks, Reese has gotten huge.  Well, at least that's what he thinks.  His ankles are always swollen and it hurts to walk.  He can't bend down anymore.  He's always hungry and horny (sometimes it's hard to distinguish between the two) and he's just tired, like all the time.

Not to mention that his clothes no longer fit and Payton's are starting to feel too snug around his waist too.

They go shopping, of course, and Reese's eyes always stray to the baby section.

Payton never has the heart to tell him no.  In fact, he drags the younger boy toward the baby stuff where they admire and coo at how tiny the clothes are.

And Reese always buys a gender neutral outfit with each trip.  Just one because he knows Payton is working hard and he knows his boyfriend is saving up to put together the nursery.  He conforms himself to buying things one at a time, even though Payton sneaks a few more items without his knowledge.  They're important, he swears.  Except that little white teddy bear with large round eyes begging to be bought.

It's all they can do to prepare for their baby's arrival really.

And with winter turning into spring, nostalgia also comes along for the ride. 

The football coach asked Payton to return to the field to encourage the newbies and to teach them a thing or two about football.  So, Payton's been busier than ever, getting home sweaty and flushed from practice before showering and going to the bakery.

Spring break was spent between working and at home giving Reese foot rubs or at the guest room next door to their bedroom to fix up the nursery.

Benji has even visited a few times to help out and the jock is proud to say they managed to put the crib together with minimal problems and disputes about which bolt was A and which was C.

Even when Reese wasn't allowed in the room (he still isn't), he could still hear their arguing and he always found it hilarious.

It's been an interesting few weeks.

Despite the downsides of pregnancy like heartburn and restless nights, Reese is more than excited.

He waddles around the house now too, making Payton hide his little smile as he watches the younger huff and puff and complain about how hard it is breathe now.

He finds it adorably amusing.

Reese doesn't think the same.



"Do you want to find out the sex of the baby?"

Reese stops what he's doing, spoonful of ice cream sticking out his mouth as he stares at Payton.  He gives a little shake of his head and a quick mutter around the utensil, "no, do you?"

Payton shrugs, "I don't know.  I don't mind, it's up to you really."

"If you want to know, we can always ask at our next check up," Reese says.

The jock takes the proffered bit of ice cream with a small hum of appreciation, "how about we leave it as a surprise?  Our sweet little pea is still ours regardless."

Reese smiles, "sounds like a plan but... we should really talk about names."

"Really?" Payton groans.

"We can't just call them sweet pea forever!"

Payton raises a brow, "is that a dare?"

That receives a small smack to the head, "No, it's not a dare.  Why are you like this?"

Payton chuckles, sobering quickly as he admits, "It just... It feels like a heavy responsibility to name our baby.  What if they hate their name?  What if they hate me because I chose a horrible name?"

"They won't hate you even if you name them Darth Vader," Reese assures, "they'll love you regardless.  I mean, they love you now."

Payton rolls his eyes but smiles at that, his hands cupping the swell of Reese's belly only to receive a sharp kick to the palm.

"See?" Reese wheezes.

"Oh now that's just an exaggeration!"

"Yes, it is, but I'm serious.  They love you already Payton, we love you so much, please don't ever doubt that."

"I don't," Payton assures, "by the way, Darth Vader?  We have a better chance of them surviving high school as Spock."

"You did not just say that!"  Reese gasps.

Payton sticks out his tongue, laughing when Reese punches his arm.

"Since when are you so violent!"  Payton shouts in indignation.

"Since you got me pregnant," Reese retorts.

Yeah, it's been an interesting good few weeks.

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