Chapter Three

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S. 24th

He stuffs his hands in his pockets, shoulders hunched just so.  He looks up at the sky, clouds grey and heavy a few scattered droplets landing on his face but the concrete absolutely drenched.

He quickly tugs on his hoodie, hiding away from the cool autumn breeze that caresses his warm face, making his nose slightly runny and pinking at the tip.

He sniffles, steps deliberately slowing down when the traffic light changes.  Humming softly, he waits until he can cross, shivering despite the thick humidity hanging in the air.

He manages to avoid growing puddles on the rest of his way, resisting the urge to jump in them and make a mess.  He hides an embarrassed blush at the thought.  He's 17 for heaven's sake!  He should really stop with the childish thoughts.

He rushes the rest of the way to school, pulling out an ear bud until his song fades and is instead replaced with the sound of his squeaking shoes and chattering students.  The hood of his sweater slips off and reveals messy brown hair and tired doe eyes.

He's determined to stop at his locket first to shove in some books and take out the others.

But immediately he regrets his decision when he sees a few scattered jocks milling around and joking about.  He ducks his head trying to hide himself in the loose filtering crowd of students.  He's just about to make it when his eyes grow wide in horror as someone brushes up against him causing his shoes to lose traction.  His first instinct is to close his eyes shut, to reach out for something-- anything.

He holds his breath.

Only to feel a warm hand wrap around his arm to steady him.

"Hey," a familiar voice calls.

Reese's breath hitches, eyes opening in surprise.

"You should really dry your shoes at the entrance rug before stepping into the halls, it's slippery as hell but the school doesn't have enough money for a lawsuit," Payton says casually, before snorting, "trust me, we've tried."

Reese figures it's an attempt at a joke.

And for some reason it makes him smile a bit awkwardly.

But before he can even thank the older teen, Payton is gone.  Rejoining his posse as if nothing happened.

Still, his smile grows wide and he hides it as he pops open his locker.  Feeling a warmth brush against him as Payton passes by, walking leisurely behind his group of friends.  Reese looks up, heart fluttering without his consent when he finds Payton subtly glancing back.

And he has to remind himself who Payton really is.

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