Chapter Twenty Seven

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F. 17th

Payton and Reese celebrate Valentine's Day that weekend, considering Payton was hospitalized they didn't have time to actually enjoy the sweet holiday.  However, now it's even sweeter because they're finally home and in a matter of days Payton has managed to get a quick easy job in the bakery across the street.  It won't pay as much, but it'll be enough to buy baby stuff and new clothes for Reese.

"I swear," Reese sighs, a small smile on his lips, "I'm going to get so big."

Payton grins, "You're only going to look more amazing, be more handsome and gorgeous."

"Not if you keep feeding me sweets and cupcakes," the pregnant teen complains.

But despite his pouting, he takes another bite of the chocolate cupcake Payton swiped on his way home from the interview.  Payton leans in and licks a bit of frosting from the corner of his boyfriend's lip, humming around the sweet confection melting on his tongue.

"You love cupcakes," he notes, "and chocolates."

Reese smiles a bit, "I don't think you remember when we first met if you've just realized I love chocolate."

Payton tilts his head in confusion, "Wasn't it in math class when I stole the seat beside you?"

With a small shake of his head, Reese recounts, "We met a few days before, it was after English Lit.  I uh.. was hungry and I accidentally bumped into you.  You weren't angry though, at least that's what you said.  Instead you actually gave me chocolate before walking away without a word."

Recognition lights Payton's eyes.

"Do you remember now?"

"Yeah," Payton laughs, "I saw you eating chocolate the first day of school and... and I thought you looked cute devouring it, so I kind of wanted to give you some.  I didn't think I'd actually... that you and I... and I wasn't dared by the way!"

"I know," Reese reassures, giggling at how flustered the jock appears.

"I'm glad I met you, you know that right?  And I don't ever regret being dared, otherwise I would've never gotten the courage to approach again.  I would've been too... sucked in my own world to look around me."

"I'm glad too," Reese admits, looking down where Payton's hand is.

The jock's hand never leaves the younger's swollen belly, wishing he could feels what Reese feels.

"I know they'll love you." Reese whispers, more than aware of Payton's fears, "you'll be an amazing daddy."

Payton nods, leaning down to kiss the warm mound, "and they'll love you too, but if anything you'll be daddy."

"What about you?  We can't both be daddy, right?"

Payton shrugs, "I'm not sure, I think I'll be papa or maybe father?"

Reese laughs, "as if you'll ever be the disciplinary parent."

"One of us will have to be," the jock pouts, cheeks becoming rosy in embarrassment because Reese is right.

"You can try all you want, fafa," Reese snickers, "but you will always be wrapped around their little fingers."

Payton sighs, "You're right."

"What?  What's wrong?"

"Our little sweet pea is already the size of an orange," Payton says, "and I can't help but think how they only get bigger."

"Really?" Reese replies sarcastically, "I haven't noticed."

Payton pinches his chubby cheek, "don't get so cheeky, baby boy."

Reese grins, but his smile falls when he sniffles.  He wipes under his nose and grimaces when he finds blood.

"Fuck," Payton exclaims in alert, reaching for the nearest cloth, which so happens to be one of his t-shirts.

Reese wrinkles his nose, thankful that Payton takes control.

"Have you had these often?"

"No," Reese frowns, voice sounding stuffy, "first time I've ever had a nosebleed."

"I read it's a bit normal," Payton explains, "What with your blood volume increasing to help our baby."

Reese raises a brow, "so, Dr. Payton Parker, what else should I expect?"

Another bright blush covers Payton's cheeks and spreads all the way to the tips of his ears, "maybe a bit of heartburn."

Reese smiles, pushing away Payton's hand, thankful that the bleeding has stopped.


"Maybe you should be an OB/GYN?"

"Maybe you should take your nap," Payton retorts, "You're beginning to think you're funny."

"But I'm serious!"

Payton kisses his head, "sleep, sleepy head."

Reese yells in indignation when Payton lays him down and wraps him up in a blanket.  He soon finds himself failing to stay awake.

And when he's almost asleep, he pokes Payton's side, "I'm serious, you know that right?"

"I know," Payton whispers, "but it's not something that'll be possible for me."

Reese falls asleep with a small frown on his lips, not at all liking how Payton sounds so resigned.

He wants to ask why.

But he quickly loses the fight against his exhaustion, feeling warm and safe as he curls up agaisnt Payton.

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