Chapter Twenty Two

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D. 24th

They're finally enjoying winter break and it's Christmas eve, consequently Reese's birthday, when Payton discovers his boyfriend has a sweet tooth.

Reese was incredibly confused when Payton had covered his eyes as soon as he woke up from a nap only to be led toward the living room.

Payton was excited.  He knows Reese has been feeling sad these past few days and he wants nothing more than to celebrate and see his boyfriend happy despite his discouragement.

As soon as Payton steps away, Reese looks around.  Payton had converted the couch to the bed and piled soft blankets and squishy pillows on top.

Reese bites his lip, trying to resist the urge to slip under the blankets and failing.  He crawls on the nest of blankets and pillows and curls up, drawing a small chuckle from Payton.

"You hungry, baby boy?"

The younger nods eagerly and Payton hands him his favorite takeout from the Chinese place down the street.

The jock puts on "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" while they eat and Reese can't help himself from stealing food from Payton's plate despite ordering the exact same thing. Payton is simply too happy to indulge his boyfriend to say anything.

Afterwards, as the movie ends and the credits roll, Payton brings out a single cupcake from the bakery across the street with a lit candle smack in the middle.  Payton sings Happy Birthday a little off key, but it still manages to bring tears to the younger's eyes.

And when it's time to make a wish, Reese squeezes his eyes shut tight and blows until there's a small stream of smoke swirling up.

Payton might have sneakily taken a picture of that moment with his phone, but no one has to know.

He hands the cupcake to Reese and watches the younger boy unwrap it excitedly.  The moment he takes a bite, his eyes flutter closed and he moans in delight.  His cheeks flush a bright rosy hue and he looks genuinely happy.  It's more than Payton could've asked for.

When those honey eyes open and stare up at him, he can't help but lean down and lick at a small dollop of chocolate frosting smeared on the corner of Reese's plump lips.  It draws a happy giggle from the younger boy as arms wraps around him in a warm hug.

"Thank you," Reese says breathlessly happy.

"You're welcome," Payton grins, kissing him soundly, "Happy Christmas and merry birthday, baby boy."

Reese rolls his eyes at that with a small smile before he starts feeling guilty, "I didn't get you anything."

"I don't need anything, just both of you happy is enough for me," Payton assures, his hand resting on Reese's belly.

And after sharing the cupcake, with a promise of more, they begin a make out session that gets very heated very quickly.  Payton lays his mark on Reese's skin, sucking and nibbling at his skin until there are faint bruises left behind.

Reese whimpers and moans as he lays bare before Payton, hungry eyes devouring him as he fucks him slowly and deep.

He cries out his lover's name as he orgasms, sobbing with how intense it is.

Panting, sharing a single breath, they can't help but laugh as they bask in the afterglow.

"Merry Christmas," Reese breathes contently.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart" Payton smiles back with a kiss to Reese's forehead.

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