Chapter Nineteen

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D. 19th

Reese manages to hide his pregnancy the best he can even when the nausea threatens to send him rushing toward the bathroom every morning.

After fighting against the horrible feeling, he drags his weary body to school and spends time with Payton in the library before needing to focus in class.

He tries to eat food during lunch and just in general to stay healthy, but it's hard when almost everything makes him want to throw up. The school lunch doesn't do him any favors either. And not to mention the sense of dizziness that accompanies him everywhere he goes, making itself known when he stands up too quickly.

But no matter what he does, he knows sooner or later his parents are going to find out, especially when he starts showing.

Unfortunately, they find out sooner than he anticipated and not on his terms.

He gets home from a particular rough day at school, hating that it's only Wednesday and still has two more days before winter break.

The house is oddly quite, bit he chalks it up to his parents being out, maybe grocery shopping.

Except, they're not.

He finds them in his room, both silent and turning to look at him as soon as he opens the door.

He stops in his tracks, the smile on his rosy face turning into a small frown.

"Is something wrong?" He asks in a small voice.

"I don't know," his father begins, "why don't you tell us?"

For a split second Reese is confused until his eyes land on the pregnancy test he hid at the bottom of his drawer along with the ultrasound picture of his baby.

"Do you mind explaining what the fuck this is?" His father demands.

He stares panicked as the man stands from his seat on the bed and glowers at him.

"I-I-" Reese can't move, can't speak, he's petrified.

"You tell us you're transgender and we pay for everything, all your fucking medicine and bullshit only for you to repay us with your fucking stupidity? Aren't you supposed to be a guy now? How the fuck did you let this happen?"

Tears fill Reese's eyes as he chokes out a broken, "I'm sorry. It was an accident, but I didn't do it on purpose!"

"You think you're so special saying you're a boy when in reality you're a liar and an attention seeker who likes to spread their legs. You're truly just a big disappointment and an embarrassment to this family. You better get rid of that mistake as soon as possible before everyone knows what you really are."

Reese whimpers, hating how weak he sounds when he says, "No. I won't. This is my baby and I won't just get rid of them because you say so. You don't have the right to make that decision for me and I refuse to lose my baby because of your ego."

"Oh really then? You think you can just go against my word you little brat? Show some respect."

Reese clenches his hands into fists and stands his ground though.

"Alright, then," his father concedes, "You won't do as I say, then grab your shit and go."

"What?" Reese breathes.

"I don't ever want to see you again. Not you or your little bastard."

The words stab his heart, but what kills him inside is watching the man he calls father crumple the picture of his baby and discard it onto the floor before stomping on it.

"You have one hour to pack your bags and get out of my house," the man scowls.

He looks pleadingly to his mother, but she doesn't even have the guts to face him.

His father shoves him harshly to the side as he stomps out of the room with his mother silently trailing after him.

And it feels like he can't breathe.

Reese stares at the ultrasound picture of his baby completely ruined and wrinkled and- and he cries. He picks up the scrunched up ball with trembling hands and tries to smooth over the wrinkles but the image is ruined and it tears his heart.

He sniffles pathetically and with the picture clutched in his hand he manages to pack his meager belongings: only stuffing a few shirts, boxers, and pants before grabbing his school bag.

He's slow to leave the place he wanted to call home.

He hesitates at the door, hoping maybe they've changed their mind.

His father stands before him and there's a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Hope that's crushed when the man takes his phone and keys.

"Get. Out."

When he steps outside it's snowing. The howling wind wraps around him and makes the tip of his nose numb.

His eyes are red rimmed, cheeks stained with salty tears, and face flushed.

He's shivering and cold and homeless.

And when he knocks on the door before him, he can't help but bawl in relief when it's opened.

Payton is fucking terrified when he sees Reese trembling from the cold with an inch of snow dusting the top of his hair. He looks like a mess. He looks tired and defeated and scared and just... at the brink of falling apart.

He lets him inside immediately and holds him close when he's within arms reach.

He holds the smaller boy in his arms as he cries inconsolably, all the time clutching something in his hand.

Payton's heart clenches tightly and he fears the worst.

But he doesn't ask because Reese can't speak. He's sobbing and still shivering even as he holds and bundles him up in a blanket.

Eventually he curls up against Payton's warmth and cries until he falls asleep, his bags forgetton at the entrance.

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