Chapter Seventeen

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D. 11th

They manage to squeeze into an appointment slot on Tuesday right after school.

They're nervous and jittery and they don't talk much.

Reese even jumps when his name is finally called.

He goes through the routine physical.  His height, weight, and temperature are taken in a span of five minutes.  They then ask him to fill a small bottle with urine and he can't sit still once everything is done and over with.

Payton gives him a reassuring smile and they hold hands only to break apart when they hear a soft knock on the door.

The pediatrics doctor is a petite bubbly woman with her red hair held back from her round face by a rubber band.

"Hello Mr. Reese River," she greets, giving him a handshake, "and who is joining us today?"

"Payton Parker," the jock introduces himself, "his boyfriend."

"Alright boys, its nice to meet you," she smiles, taking a seat in front of them, "So, what brings you here today?"

Noticing that Reese is still too nervous to actually talk, Payton takes it upon himself to simply blurt it out, "we think he's pregnant!"

"Oh," Dr. Abell gasps, "Alright okay.  Want to tell me why you think this?"

With heated cheeks, Reese finally speaks up, "we had unprotected sex."

"I pulled out," Payton offers, trying and failing to keep the mortification at bay.

"And I haven't been feeling well.  I thought I was coming down with something, like the flu.  But the nausea is persistent and it attacks when I smell certain foods and strong smells and I haven't had a fever."

"The pull out method isn't always successful which is why it's recommended to pair it up with another form of contraception," she explains before directing her attention to Reese, "Has there been anything else you've experienced?  Dizzy spells? Vomiting?  Bloating?"

"I got dizzy a few days ago when I got up too fast... I kind of refused to eat because everything made me sick," Reese mumbles.

"Did you throw up?"

The boy wrinkles his nose, "yeah."

She scribbles everything down on Reese's medical chart, muttering to herself, "suffering from vertigo, nausea accompanied with vomiting..."

Reese wriggles in his chair, tapping his foot.

"And you're sure it can't be food poisoning?  You haven't eaten any raw fish or meats?  Or improperly canned foods?"

"No... at least I don't think it's food poisoning.  It's kind of been a week and then some."

"Alright, sweetheart," she hums, "no sign of botulism.  So, what about your menstrual cycle?"

Reese's cheeks heat up, "I think I missed it."

"And you're on the gel form of testosterone, correct?"


"Are you still on it?"

"No," Reese answers honestly, "I stopped when we thought I might be pregnant."

"That's good, we don't know the adverse effects that could happen if you continued taking testosterone, so it was very smart of you boys to stop at once."

"I uh... I took two pregnancy tests at home," Reese adds shyly, "they both came back positive."

"I really don't want to alarm you, but some tests are very accurate in detecting pregnancy hormones and the fact that it found traces of it in your system while on testosterone is a big indicator.  However, some tests are not so good and it could have been a fluke.  But don't worry, by the end of this visit I'm sure we'll know for sure if your expecting or not."

They both nod, sharing a small look of anticipation.

"Now, boys, I know you're both still young so I need you to know that you have options.  Especially you, Reese," she begins, "your situation isn't the first but it is unique.  It can and will be an uncomfortable ride if you decide to go through with the pregnancy, that is, if you are pregnant."

"We.. uh talked about it," Payton says, "We discussed what we would do if he actually is pregnant and even though it's not even certain, we've come to an agreement that we want to keep the baby."

Dr. Abell gives them a small smile, "I won't lie, it's going to be a bumpy ride and some times your going to want to throw in the towel.  But despite the aches and pain of pregnancy, the end result is so worth it.  You both seem quite mature for your age and I can tell you're decided.  Honestly, it's a rare sight to see a couple like you, so determined and strong.  It's truly amazing."

They both blush at the praise, they still feel like little kids, but they are determined.  They want this baby, their baby.

A knock interrupts them and an MA in colorful scrubs steps in and hands the doctor a few papers before leaving.

"Well that was certainly fast," the doctor laughs, "Alright boys, ready for the verdict?"

Reese grasps Payton's hand and they both hold their breath as they wait.

"I think you're going to be wonderful parents," Dr. Abell says, "so I suppose congratulations are in order, boys.  Seems like you're pregnant."

Reese lets go of the breath he was holding.  Everything feels so surreal.

"I'm sure I can sneak you into the OB GYN so you can get an ultrasound and get the necessary bloodwork done," she says.

"That's be... that'd be great actually," Payton breathes.

They follow the doctor across the small clinic to double doors labeled OB GYN.  They don't know how, but they're sure Dr. Abell pulls some strings because they're in a little room in no time.

They go through all the questions from before until finally they can get started.

The doctor, an older man in his late 60s, tells Reese to pull up his shirt and unbutton his jeans.

The machine whirs to life and cold icy gel is squirted onto his belly making him flinch.  Payton grabs his clammy hand, both getting strength from the other.

The transducer probe is pressed against Reese's skin and they watch enraptured as the doctor shows them the screen.

Tears well up in Reese's eyes at the small grainy image.

"Is that...? That's our baby?" Payton chokes out.

"Yes," the doctor smiles, always happy to see the awestruck gazes on new-time parents.

"The baby seems to be growing accordingly.  From the date of conception you've given, I'd say you're in between weeks five and six.  The baby is almost the size of a sweet pea."

"A sweet pea," Reese breathes.

"Yes, now I'll print a few copies of this because I'm sure you want some and then we'll get some bloodwork done.  I would definitely like to see you in a week or two.  From there, we can discuss how to proceed with the prgnancy, what vitamins you can take and what to worry about.  Remember that the first three months are crucial for the fetal survival rate.  Each day closer to the second trimester is another day the baby develops and grows stronger."

They walk out of the clinic in a daze, ultrasound pictures gripped tightly in their hands as they stare at the little blob, at their little sweet pea.

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