This is not how you word it |223|

103 8 13

"So HE transitioned to become a female, and HE seems like HE is a lot happier. HIS transition is SOOO cool!"

I hate it when people use the wrong pronouns

If they are a transwomen, and identifies as female, use She and her |If that's what they prefer of course| if they are a transman, and identifies as male, use he and him |again, if they prefer| and if they identify as a non-binary gender use they/them, unless they say otherwise, or use other pronouns such as ze, hir, sie, co, ey, zir, etc.


Interaction thingy...


Okay, unrelated, cause I don't have anything that is related,

Give me some good musicals, cause I need some more,

I've seen Dear Evan Hansen, Be More Chill, Heathers, Hamilton, The Lightning Theif, and I have Waitress on my list right now. |I can't find anythingggggg, I knowww|

I'm a TRANnosaurus | Trans Guy Things Part 2Where stories live. Discover now