Two states over is so different |370|

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   I'm only two states away, which granted, is far, but the change in LGBTQ+ veiws is so different. In my state, you could yell "AYE IMMA GAY!" from the roof tops, and people literally don't care. They applaud you, and treat you just like everyone else. For the most part, obviously there are gonna be shit people like Armpit Pube.

  But when I went to the next state over, some guy was giving me the death glare, another guy grabbed his girlfriend as soon as he saw me. Idk if that meant "hey I'm not gay" though I look eight, so I doubt it, or "my girlfriend's straight" and he read me as a lesbian.

  And then in the second state over, we went into a restaurant, a worker looked at my hat, frowned, whispered to another worker, and the other worker took care of us, while the original person tried to keep away from our table.

I mean, really? Really? Just because I'm wearing a lgbtq+ pride hat?

  If any of you guys have to deal with this on a daily basis, I'm sorry. This kinda shit is really fucked up.

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