I'm Exhausted |275|

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  I've been misgendered so much recently |mainly by Twat Waffle, my grandma, and my mom| that it's making me exhausted. I'm getting sick of fighting just to get someone to use the right three letter word, and the right name.

  It's starting to make me physically sick.

|umm... off topic, but I have spotify going on in the background and I just got a condom ad... that made me even sicker.|

  I can't enjoy anything because of it. I haven't actually laughed in the last few weeks. I'm loosing too much weight, because I don't have the motivation to get up and eat, or I just flat out don't want to eat, since it's just not appealing. Even candy doesn't taste good. I mean, who the fuck hates candy????

  When I address the misgendering, everyone says, "Oh, sorry. I know it hurts you! I'll try better."

  They try for an hour, before reverting back. If you KNOW it hurts, then why do you act like you don't care? Maybe you don't, and I'd rather you say that. Tell me that you're transphobic, instead of hiding away. Seriously, it helps a lot.

  I really just don't know anymore. I mean, there's nothing I can do, but wait it out for 6 years or give up? I'd rather not give up, because that doesn't do anything, but sometimes it seems like I have no choice.

  Honestly, we need to start a secret civilization together, where we can just be hella queer, and live our lives in peace.

I'm a TRANnosaurus | Trans Guy Things Part 2Where stories live. Discover now