The video I think we all need right now |265|

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|And holy shit we passed 1K... Thanks. I really, really appreciate it. I obviously don't have my thing done yet, so right now... Go steal an icecream or something to celebrate yourselves.|

So I know most of you will watch this on your own, but I want to put it in here anyways, just in case. I've seen a lot of sad stuff going on within the community, and I know some of you guys are going through a tough time, |Since I basically stalk all of you lol| and though maybe you could use it:

You are worth it. I fucking love every single one of you so much. Keep your head held high, and stay alive. I promise you, it'll be worth it. ♡

I'm a TRANnosaurus | Trans Guy Things Part 2Where stories live. Discover now