I wish I could do this |292|

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Honestly, I wish I had enough money to adopt all of you, get some of you American citizenship, and then fly you all into my state, buy a huge mansion and have a huge gender party where everyone is valid, and gets to be who they are.

A lot of you have said that family life isn't so great, which is expected. Most people still don't accept us, since they're so biggoted. |it's 20gayteen tho, they really shouldn't be.| and it's really depressing.

I'm gonna do this one day though, obviously I probably won't do this for you guys, since by the time I've got this much money, and a zucchini |you'd be crazy to think I'm raising a kid on my own.| I doubt any of you will still be talking to me, since it will take a really long time, but I'm going to do it some day, with some kid.

Hopefully I won't even be able to, because there won't be any trans kids who were kicked out, but everyone should know by now that I'm too hopeful for my own good.

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