Airport Security |242|

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  I'm going to visit my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents, and since they're halfway across the country, I have to take a plane, which means airport security.

  Apparently a lot of trans people trigger the system, specifically the one where you have to put your hands up and they scan your body, since they for some reason have to assign either "Male" or "Female" by a look test, for the scan to work properly |I'm pretty sure it's because it scans for heat, and certain genitals create certain heat in certain areas...|

  I'm not mentally prepared for it, and I hope I don't have to |I've never done it before, and my mom doesn't have to do it all the time, but idk how it actually works|

I'm pretty sure if it goes off it's gonna give me an anxiety attack, even though I know I did nothing wrong, since my anxiety loves me that much.

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