Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The power


Katherine and Elena had both looked at me shocked, when i had entered the clearing. They stared at me, clearly seeing something i couldn't. Alex spoke up first.

"Whats up?"

Elena replied "its Vee's power gems. There... there so strong."

Rebecca the chipped in "we all know hat Vee is strong. Its not a surprise to us. Now can you tell us what we're doing?"

Katherine glanced at me once more.

She said "we have reached the one clearing in Piers forest where supernaturals like you can use your ability's. Jade i will piggy back you out of the forest. Azura, Elena will take you. As for Rebecca and Crystal you will ride on Alex and Vee's back's. They will be in wolf form of course."

Elena spoke next "now hurry. Sun will be setting soon, you need to be out of here before then."

With out hesitation Alex phased. He picked up his backpack just as Rebecca climbed on his back. I phased too. The shiver passed over me. I grabbed my bag and allowed Crystal to clime on. Jade and Azura hopped onto Elena and Kathrien's back. The two vampiers shot forwad with incredible speed. Alex yelped and ran off. I shot forward, fallowing close to Alex.


Vee had started running after Alex. I could feel the muscles in the black wolf that was vee's shoulders. My hair was whipped backwards with the speed. I heard Elena call from ahead

"watch out there is a cliff up ahead. You will need to jump."

I heard Vee and Alex bark, confirming they had heard. I felt Vee pick up speed. Before i knew it we were soaring over a hole. I laughed out in exitement. This was incredible, what Vee and Alex could do. Below us was a fast rushing river. Banked by sand and sharp, jagged rocks. I heard Vee yelp as we landed, she stumbled. She Had stepped on something. Despite the injury, she continued on. Alex must have heard her yelp, for now ran along beside Vee. He twitched his ear. Elena called from ahead

"watch out, we got company! They will try to split us up. Don't let them!"

All of a sudden there where people running along side us. I felt one of them grab onto my light brown braid, pulling down from the left side. Vee snapped at the braid puller. The sun was beginning to set so vee, along with every one else picked up speed and left behind the pursuers. We only began to slow when we left the woods, ran across a Field and entered the tree's on the opposite side. When we came to a clearing we stopped all together.

"We'll camp here for the night." Kathrien said.

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