chapter 13

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Chapter 13



As i spun fallowing the blur, what i saw made me screame. A small creatcure crouched on the floor. I was coverded in dark purple scales. It resembled a small lizzard with a cat like face. It lept at me, baring razor sharp teeth and claws. I screamed, raised the gun and pulled the trigger. The shot echoed around the cave. The creachure fell to the ground.

What happened next made me stare in amazement. The creachure faded to black the crumbled as if made of crackers.


I had herd a gun shot. Vee must have used the dagger as a gun. Was she ok? I was worried, i wanted to help but i couldent. I was forbidden.


I was still stareing when i heard a hiss. I turned and saw hundreds of the same creachures. With out thinking i made the gun change to a long sword. The blade glowed electric purple, the handle was encrusted with several clear gems. The creatchurse came at me i began sliceing at them. They turned black and crumbled.

I had just impaled one with the sworde when i felt a pain rip through my right arm. I turned and saw one with its teeth dug deep into my arm. I stared into its eyes, and grabbed it and ripped it free. It flew into the wall with a force i dident know i could muster at the moment. It turned black and crumbled. The pain coarsed through me. Holding my left hand on my arm, i continued fighting them off.

I forced my way towards another tunnle. There where to many for me to beat. When i was in, i turned the sword into a gun, shot at the enterace several time. The shots that came out where balls of a strange sibtance that looked like gas. As a loud rumbble came i ran. I herd the tunnle give way.

I stood there, coughing the dust. None of the lizzard like things had managed to fallow. What are those? I thought. I shook my head and continued through the path.

My shirt had been soaked red from the bite mark. I sat for a moment. I needed rest.

I pulld my shirt of the one sholder. There was a deep gash that ran from just below my sholder to my elbow. I knew it was caused by me ripping the thing of me. Blood was comeing out in a steady streem.

For the first time in a while i pulled ira out. I pressed the button and it came to life.

The munit ira's digital eyes opended she said "oh my god vee! Whats going on?" I explainded to her what had happend and she instructed me on what to do. Fallowing her guidence, i made a temporary bandage out of a ripped off peice of my shirt. I thanked her and stuck her in my pocket. I got up, fixed my shirt, grabbed the dagger and continued down the tunnle.

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