Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Christmas eve


I sat up and yawend. It was eirly morning and the outhers where just stirring. Rebecca sat up and sneezed, vee coughed and we all shivered with cold. As i sat around the fire with my sister and the others i hummed to my self. Today was christmas eve day. We decided that tonight we would eat the last of the food that Azura and Jade had packed. As we headed off, something happed. A wall of rock roase befor us, causing us to stop and vee to run into it.

"What the.." alex said.

I turned and looked at jade. "You doing this?"

She shook her head. I was about to ask azura but i noticed she was asleep.

"When'd you go lights out?" I asked shaking her on my back. She woke up and the wall crumbled.

"Yep it was you." The outhers laughed and she looked around confused. I explained and she smiled.


I focused my power gems energy and tryed. Vines roase and shot towarda vee. She skillfully jumped out of the way and barked. When she barked fire shot out of her muzzle and she burned the vines.

"Awsome!" I shouted. My powers had come. I herd jade say my name. She winked at me and we continued walking. We all ran untill the sun set. When we settled we dug into the food.


As we sat around the fire eating, rebecca's comunicator went of. She answerd it. "Dr.finneck!" We all shouted as his hollagram appeared.

"Why hello, and merry christmas. Get crystal's telleportation case. Im sending you guys some stuff."

We got it and something appeared in it. A small box.

"For rebecca." Finneck said. Rebecca took it. Another box.

"For azura."

One by one small boxes where handed out, evan Elena, Katherine and Merage got one. Finally something appeared.

"And for vee. Use these gifts well. Take care. And merry christams!"

With that the call ended. We all opened our box. Alex got a small pen. Rebecca, a ice cube necklace. Me and Jade, soft silky cloackes. Katherine and Elena fang necklaces. Merage, a book on medicin. Crystal, a necklace that was of her. vee got a small pocket knife


We all smiled at our gifts. Then azura yelped. I looked and saw that jades body had dissapeared. Only her head floated.

"The cloackes make us invisible!" Jade shouted.

Azura put hers on and vanished to.

"Of course. Leave it to Dr. Finneck to make such wacky presents." vee mumbled.

We all spet a long time figuring out what our gifts did. Rebecca used her powers and the necklace glowed blue. "Its a power indicator." I said.

Crystal shape shifted and the necklace stayed on her, but changed to the animal she was. Merages book turned into any medical thing you could need and was full of spells of healing. The peirs sisters necklaceses made there eyes glow and helped the controll there hunger. We still couldent figure out what vee and i's presents did. Then i thought of some thing.

I say "ever hear the saying the pen is mightyer than the sword?"

The outhers looked at me confused but vee smiled. She got it. I clicked the pen and a blade shot out. I now held a sword in my hand. It had a gold handle and the blade was silver with wolves carved on it. I knew what this was.

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