Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

A fiery wake


Fire Every where. Was it a dream? No. The where house was on fire. I was up on my feet and running around collecting the outhers. I pulled my shirt over my mouth and nose as i choked on the black smoke that was billowing from all around the room. We were out. Fortunatly we had our stuff all in our packs for a quick escape in the morning, and we where able to get it out safly. I did a head count to be sure. Vee, Jade, Azura, Katherine, Elena, Rebecca and Merage. Crystal was missing. A scream came from the barn, it was crystals. I started forward to get her but vee stopped me.

"Let me go." She said.

I nodded and she ran into the where house, pulling her shirt over he nose and mouth.


Smoke. I was crouched in the back corner of the where house as it burned. When i had first awoke i was choked by the smoke. I was huddled there coughing, i was going to die soon. The flames licked my arms, singing the tips of my hair. Sudenlyh the fire froze temperaraly. Vee had come with her shirt pulled up over her nose. She was using her darkness abilytes to drench the fire with water from a nearby streem. I was barley conous as she lifted me onto her back. Vee began to rush out, but about five feet from the exit a crack came from above. I was flying out the door. Vee had throwen me and had been crushed by burning wood.

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