Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Rough start.


When we woke up the next morning, it was rough starting off. Vee's ankel was still injured. No one had slept well. We packed up and got ready to go. Eirlyer while we where eating, Rebecca contacted Dr. Finneck to ask for some crutchs for Vee. A few munits later Crystal pulled set of crutches out of her case. I helped Vee adjust them to her hight. We set off slowly, but it was clear that with Vee's injury we werent going to make good progress. We moved along slowley untill Katherine started to get anoyed, so we stopped to give Vee and every one.

I said "we need to get Vee to a hospital, her ankle is bad we all know that."

Vee cast a sideways glance at me, clearly dissaproving.

"If we stop, it will take time away that we cant spare. We have three months left till the antidote wont work on carmen." She said.


It was a rough start this morning. Every one hadent slept well, my ankel was bothering me and Kathrine seemed to be in a bad mood. We had taken a break a few moments ago, but now we were moving again. As we walked, it started getting foggy and an eiry silence settled over us. My crutch caught on a root and i tumbled over. As Alex helped me up, i could feel my face turning red. I was so embaressed. My ankle was stinging and throbing. I couldent walk, evan with crutches. It was too hard and the rough terrain of the forest made it ten times worse. Alex kept offering to carry me but i kept refusing ultill now. He offerd and i excepted. He helped me up onto his back and we moved at a better pace. Jade and Azure where constanly helping every one by offering water and apples. As Jade offerd me an apple i took it and bit into it, It was sour. I spat it out infront of Alex. He stopped suddenly and i slipped a bit.

"What was that about?" Alex questiond.

I said "the apple. Its bad." Azura took the apple from me when i held it out.

She looked at the spot i bit. "Its just fine Vee, look."


What is up with Vee. The apple she bit was just fine. As she took it back, a look of bewilderment slowley came apon her face.

"It tasted bad, at least i thought it did."

She ate the apple, evan after what happend. She just went about it more carefully and took little bites. Alex said we would be nearing a small village in about twenty minets.

"Hey, maby when we reache the village we could get Vee's ankel checked out." I said.

Alex shook his head but Jade backed me up.

"If we get it looked at, or evan if we an find a mage we could make up for the time we lost."

I looked at Vee. She was asleep on Alex's back, mubling something about Alex being trapped. She must have been dreaming. Alex finally agreed. As we enterd the village, Rebecca shook Vee awake. The village was full of deserted streets, smoking buildings and, the most desturbing thing of all was the dead people laying around.

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