chapter 12

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Chapter 12



We stopped when we came to the base of a mountian. Alex pointed to a cave just barely visibal from where we stood.

"We found it! Lets get going."

I start forward but Alex stopes me. "We have to be careful Vee, the cave is full of enchantmets and monsters."

I shudder. "Then how is one of us going to get through?"

Alex lookes a me. The answer is clear. We go together. I nod and Jade, Azura, Katherine, Elena, Alex, Crystal, Rebecca and i all begin to head to the cave. Once we reach it, i get a bad feeling all over. This cave was dangerous. We reached the mouth of the cave and a cold draft came through. I shivered and goose bumps rose on my skin. Alex looked at me and i took his hand. As we all began to enter, Katherine and Elena stopped.

"We cant enter, our nature forbids us." Elena said.

They turned to go and the rest of us continued. The cave becomes dark and eventualy Jade and Azura turn back. Crystal and rebecca leave shortly after Jade and Azura. Its just alex and i. A eiry light comes from ahead. We come out into a giant cavern. A waterfall thunders down just in front of us. I start towards it but Alex freezes. He doesent move but his voice comes into my mind.

-This is one of the enchantments i was talking about. I cant go on. Go find the antidote. Leave me ill be fine.-

"no" i say "im not going to leave you. Im scared i need you."

He thinks -go. Now i love you.-

I reluctantly let go of his hand and go towards the water fall. I see something behind the water. Its another passage. I look back once at alex the dive into the water. I come up behind and cough up water. I clime out and start down the passage. I was scared as hell.


I hope Vee is alright. I had left her and Alex. Crystal and i where waiting with Jade, Azura, Katherine and Elena at the mouth of the cave. The sun was sinking low on the horizon.


As i headed down the passage i could hear sounds far off ahead. I thought of the wepon tucked in my boot, the dagger that could change shape. I pulled it out and made it shift into a hand gun. In the dim light i watched the surface ripple and morphed. In my hand sat the violet gun. I took the saftey off so it would be able to shoot at a moments noticed. I prayed i wouldent have to use it. As i went down the passage, it widende and grew taller. As i came into a room something flashed in the corner of my eyes.

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